I feel like shit. Just popping in for a minute before an inevitable collapse. Felt like shit at 8 last night but started drinking and went out with a buddy til 11:30. Mixed in some booze and here I am. 

I am madly in love with the Padres sideline girl Kelly Crull. I'd probably marry her if she asked me to. Check out her pic here:
holly peers >>> anyone
mentioned remy yesterday, good news, not cancer
great game last night, despite the loss
boychucks goal........damn, didnt know he had that in him
tuuka let way too many rebounds happen last night, not all his fault, hawks totally changed their game plan and it worked
got nervous when bergeron left the bench for a few
series probably going 7 now, they almost stole one last night
I am madly in love with the Padres sideline girl Kelly Crull. I'd probably marry her if she asked me to. Check out her pic here:
holly peers >>> anyone
RIP James Gandolfini
What a Truly great loss
Oh, and that Clips trade with Boston is back in talks. Guess cooler heads realized that both teams could benefit, so might as well talk.
Hamilton, 0-3 with 2 more K's.
Oh, and that Clips trade with Boston is back in talks. Guess cooler heads realized that both teams could benefit, so might as well talk.
Amazing game last night
Impressive to see the bruins battle back each time.
Suicide in a week. Over or under?