Well-Known Member
Gen - can I have your vcash?
lol..Kinda fun post'n on both sites..
Should have been a PM?
Should have been a PM?
Sorry about your bro Jeff
Thanks, Dirt. Almost lost him 3 times over the last 3 years. Didn't think this trip to the hospital was as bad. But his kidneys were in the process of shutting down (from diabetes) and he progressively went down hill. We had to pretty much euthanize him at the end by putting him on morphine and then watching him slowly die until he took his last breath. Toughest thing I've ever faced in my life. Don't wish it on anyone.
damn man
sorry to hear that
thats terruible
Thanks, Dirt. Almost lost him 3 times over the last 3 years. Didn't think this trip to the hospital was as bad. But his kidneys were in the process of shutting down (from diabetes) and he progressively went down hill. We had to pretty much euthanize him at the end by putting him on morphine and then watching him slowly die until he took his last breath. Toughest thing I've ever faced in my life. Don't wish it on anyone.
Thanks, Dirt. Almost lost him 3 times over the last 3 years. Didn't think this trip to the hospital was as bad. But his kidneys were in the process of shutting down (from diabetes) and he progressively went down hill. We had to pretty much euthanize him at the end by putting him on morphine and then watching him slowly die until he took his last breath. Toughest thing I've ever faced in my life. Don't wish it on anyone.
condolences, JJ
that is how my father in law passed about a year and a half ago, with his two daughters in the room
his wife was on the way back to hospital but didnt make it in time
Thanks, World. It was me and his middle son on each side of him for his last 3 1/2 hrs. His oldest and his daughter couldn't bear to be there. Didn't want to be there myself but didn't want my nephew to go through it alone.
wife told me that right at the end, he leaned up out of his bed (was in Hospice) pointed at something on the wall and smiled at his two kids, then passed
was nothing on the wall when they looked
but he saw something
he was a great guy
Damn dude...
Condolences, kind sir
Big Giant fan right?
No surprise there.
Thanks, Scal.
But before people start sticking their heads in the oven.....how about this Stanley Cup Final? It's going down as one of the best ever so far.