the handsome super genius
"my farts smell like jay bruce"
"I was going to stay but the mod called me a name and said bad things about Robert Kraft. Really, really bad things." - Down
Rock needs affirmation. We all know that, so I'm not really surprised about him.
Down is a loser. That was well known. What he proved today is that he's also a colossal pussy.
Fucking hilarious.
Hey buccs, for some reason my password doesn't work over there anymore.
did you motherfuckers ban me?
I know self wouldnt stand for that.
Me: I'm going to post in both places
You: fucking bitter loser asshole meanie face!!!!
I'm angry and bitter about something?
Like I promised. Here's your daily reminder that I'm a colossal pussy...
buccs, i can see threads but cant post
Me: I'm going to post in both places
You: fucking bitter loser asshole meanie face!!!!
I'm angry and bitter about something?
Like I promised. Here's your daily reminder that you're a fucking idiot...
They banned you but are scrambling to unban you right now. Guaran-fuckin-TEE it.