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RIP Billy
Its funny; everyone blames Buckner but no one seems to remember that Bob Stanley threw a wild pitch one batter earlier that allowed the tying run to score.
Bart Starr (1934-2019)
Bill Buckner (1949-2019)
Rod Bramblett (1965-2019) along with his wife.
Howard Moore--Wisconsin assistant basketball coach's wife and daughter killed in an auto accident.
Not saying his knees weren't cranky, but it was one of his ankles that was completely FUBAR by that point in his career. He was wearing hi-top cleats with ankle support and John fucking McNamara should never have left him in the game after the 7th inning, especially with slick fielding Dave Stapleton on the bench.
Anyways, it wasn't Bucks fault that the Sox lost that game, it was Calvin Shiraldi and Bob Stanley that fucked it all up before it ever got to that point.
That one play happened when I was 3 years old. The game was tied and there was another game to be played after the fact.
I always knew he was a good player, but I didn't know he was THAT good of a player. His numbers are borderline HOF. The sad part is that he will probably get in now that he's gone.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
He was a pretty good player for a long time, but he was never really great. He accumulated a lot of hits over a 21 year career, but his numbers are far from HOF worthy.
If Bucknor were to get in, Nick Markakis should be first ballot based on precedent inducting Bucknor would set.