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Rewatching SNF - focus on officiating


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,184.88
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Having watched the game in person, the point of view is different from the televised audience so I decided to watch the game again, while taking notes, to see what the calls/no calls looked like from the superior tv point of view. So far I'm through the long 1st half and will be watching and recording the 2nd half in the next day or two.

Preface: We did plenty to lose this game on our own and we had opportunities to win it. I'm in no way blaming the officials for the loss nor am I whining about the officiating. This is meant to simply illuminate what I think are the errors in officiating from this game (troll repellent)

Quarter 1:

- Personal Foul facemask on SEA: Clearly did not occur. O lineman's hand was clearly only on chest/lower neck area of the defender. 15 yards, led to a punt.
- Missed clear holding on AZ O lineman on 1st down pass play.
- Missed obvious False Start on AZ LT
> Drive ends in SEA (Thomas) INT in end zone after 9+ minute drive.
- Missed Safety on SEA (Wilson) for intentional grounding in end zone. Leads to punt instead of 2 points and free kick.

Quarter 2:

- Very questionable Holding call on SEA where AZ LB tackles Lynch in backfield before the suspected hold is made. 10 yards to ~ 10 yard line
> Leads to Safety on SEA then freekick giving AZ ball around the SEA 40
- Missed clear holding on AZ RT #70 on 1st and 15 on a 13 yard completion (23 yard difference)
> Drive results in Floyd TD #1
- Missed clear holding on AZ RG for 6 rd gain on 1st down
> Next play is ruled an incomplete pass with AZ in FG range
- Incomplete pass occurs as AZ TE secures ball, turns upfield, takes 2 steps, and ball comes free, resulting in a clear SEA recovery. After review, call stands and AZ kicks FG to end half.


A few observations:

- Chris Collinsworth was not nearly as obnoxious to me during the 1st half as he usually is.
- Sherman had a couple misplays. He tried to undercut the outroute on Floyd's TD before the pass, which went to Floyd (his man) for a TD.
- Palmer made another of his perfect throws to Floyd for his 2nd TD and that was not a mistake by Cary Williams, just a great play by Palmer/Floyd.
- The late TD drive for Seattle relied on quick, safe passing, leading to power running on short yardage (not 2nd and 20) and up tempo offense. Short QB drops, allowing the Oline to block quickly and release.

I hope this is somewhat helpful. It was interesting and infuriating at times, and like I said, I'll try to get the 2nd half observations up as soon as I can watch it.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,000.00
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Yeah, I had to turn this one off at the end of the first. Refs were making it unwatchable. Seems I've been doing that a lot this year, but this was the first time I couldn't even handle watching a Seahawks game. I can usually stick with those even if the officials suck, but man I just couldn't justify wasting my time watching the refs perform an abortion on that game.

I will say that I agree with every blown call you listed there in the first quarter. I did eventually end up watching the rest of the game later that night on the DVR but I skipped through too much to pay attention to all the blown calls in the final three quarters.

Still, it's amazing how many opportunities Seattle had to win this and just couldn't capitalize. Can't blame the refs for that.


KFFL Refugee
Sep 2, 2014
Outside Buddy-ville
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I haven't gone back and looked, but Mike Pereira said that the face mask attributed to Gilliam was actually done by Luke Willson, FWIW.

My main complaint with the officiating is how Seattle's OL got saddled with all of those holding calls (all seemed legit, maybe one was questionable) yet Arizona's OL I don't think had one (it's not because they weren't holding).


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2014
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There is no way Seattle should lose this game. I'm taking them big in all my pools. Normally I go against them for low points hoping for an upset (normally they're favored) and most in my pools are Hawk fans.
I think I have more faith in the Hawks right now than many fans? I think they will make the POs and we know anything can happen then?
But many of you are right, if they lose this Sunday it's over.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Fav. Team #2
Fav. Team #3
There is no way Seattle should lose this game. I'm taking them big in all my pools. Normally I go against them for low points hoping for an upset (normally they're favored) and most in my pools are Hawk fans.
I think I have more faith in the Hawks right now than many fans? I think they will make the POs and we know anything can happen then?
But many of you are right, if they lose this Sunday it's over.



Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I was livid with the officials in this game... They did a terrible job ...