former pessimistic homer
Here's a picture I took of BengalDoug
I'm old, but I'm still too good looking for you guys to handle, so no pics..............
Here's a picture I took of BengalDoug
Cincygrad's Don't Argue With Me Unless You're Ready to Go to Dayton Top 5.
1) Joe Montana
2) Tom Brady
3) John Elway
4) Peyton Manning
5) Dan Marino
Please note that I don't give a fuck about people like Rodger Staubach, Jonny Unitas, or YA Tittle. I have no idea if these guys were good. Dudes were smoking cigarettes and drinking beer during halftime during this era. And I never watched any of them play. If I put them in a top 5, I'd just be trying to look cool.
Finally someone else who agrees with me about thatBrett Favre is the most overrate QB ever.
Bip makes an appearance....
stalkin' our talkin' like Christopher Walken
I feel we should get you a little beret, a smoke, and a mic. First round of lattes and expressos are on me!