Tailor Suit and Satchel
Pedro on TBS was asked who is your "horse" in the playoffs. He homer picked Lester.
With Clayton out there...
With Clayton out there...
Agreed on last night's game.
I went to bed during the 7th inning.
I watched this is the end and than played GTA 5.
That was much better than watching hicks and fat chicks rejoice.
I still have GTA - San Andreas for PS2 sitting at home in the wrapper. Word of caution - if you enjoy violent video games with foul language - never have kids.
plus, darling was on the 86 Mets
fuck him!
I beat that in college.
Also that is why you need a man cave or play after they go to bed, no?
You'd think so, but by the time I get the little squirts into bed, all I want to do is pass out.
Oh, and my "man cave" has become "kids' trashed playroom".
Man cave + no kids = I win.
Same here
So what you guys are saying is, you have low sperm counts?