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Love love love how you won’t answer my questions because if you did your nonsense would be over...
Manster knows that Wentz has such a fragile fragile ego (Don’t know how he knows this) that instead of benching him the Eagles created a fake injury
where they told Wentz his back was hurt and needed a CT scan. Wentz had no idea what was going on because he was actually fine but the scan revealed a fractured vertebrae to Wentz’s complete surprise. All just to not hurt Wentz feelings.
Never once did Wentz, his agent, his inner circle think it was strange that he was perfectly fine yet somehow the Eagles knew he was hurt (but remember they were actually lying). Wentz just blindly believes them because the Eagles got the doctors who read the scan to lie to Wentz and tell him something was broken when it actually wasn’t. No one had any idea of the devious plot to tell someone they decided to give 100 million guaranteed dollars too which seems incredible in retrospect. Not one person told Wentz this was strange and he never questioned it himself. It would be like going to work and your boss randomly saying... you need to get a scan on your wrist. Why boss? I’m fine... then voila... a broken wrist.
Now let’s introduce the journalists who in day 1 of college were taught to investigate. Not one of them thought it was STRANGE that Wentz was perfectly fine then , Boom... a fractured vertebrae. That’s how the Eagles magically told someone who was perfectly fine that he was hurt, when he wasn’t. The entire nation was hood winked but not one brilliant mind in Vegas who never had access to his inner circle and was never backed by billion dollar companies but was the one who figured it all out while all the top journalists missed this STUNNING exclusive that would have been front page news.
That’s what you want us to believe Manster?
But wait... it doesn’t end there. Months later going into the next season the Eagles bring in 3 new WRs and the coach didn’t want Wentz to practice because then, and ONLY then, Wentz might detect this was all one phenomenal scam... to not hurt his feelings. You see if they let him practice 5 months later Wentz might have thought... wait, they are letting me practice 5 months later. I wonder if the lies to me and I was never hurt. The Eagles didn’t want Wentz to figure out this grandiose plot so they sent him to physical therapy as to not have Wentz figure out they were lying 5 months ago. Manster figured this all out because when Wentz may have be shown a few times on the sidelines for a couple games, Manster couldn’t detect a back brace... which can be impossible to see. But all that goes totally against what Manster is saying you see, because the Eagles and their doctors were trying to trick Wentz and his inner circle. Major blunder because they were trying to trick Wentz and they really should have made him wear a back brace to make him believe this devious lie was true. No back brace didn’t send off alarms to everyone close to the situation.
Is that pretty much how it all went down Manster?
I missed your question because in all honesty 90% of what you type is blind bullshit.
As for your question. How is it the Eagles duped Wentz, his agent, his inner circle, EVERY major media outlet, every journalist but not your brilliant brain?
Well for starters, since I've already said they told Wince they will claim an injury do they wouldn't HAVE to be benched, that's not duping Wentz or his agent. His inner circle will believe him if he tells them, and same with the media.