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Rams@Buccaneers Post-Game Anaysis: Rams Win 17-16


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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I was suggesting in my post-game analysis that Davis has the potential to become the next Kurt Warner but alot has to fall into place for it to be a reality. Right now, we are dead last in the league in scoring points offensively. So there is a lot of work to be done around Davis including a stubborn and stupid head coach that refuses to give him the nod and build his confidence much like Vermeil did with Warner after Trent Green went down.


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I was suggesting in my post-game analysis that Davis has the potential to become the next Kurt Warner but alot has to fall into place for it to be a reality. Right now, we are dead last in the league in scoring points offensively. So there is a lot of work to be done around Davis including a stubborn and stupid head coach that refuses to give him the nod and build his confidence much like Vermeil did with Warner after Trent Green went down.

I have to say that I wasn't too surprised to hear Fisher stick with Shaun Hill...Don't know if it's the right or wrong move, but I know he will be crucified by the fans...Maybe rightfully so, we'll find out a lot this Sunday...If the Rams suck this week, it will almost force Fisher's hand...


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
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When you look at the history of St. Louis Rams QBs.. I see a guy who finally got a chance in Warner, then a guy who finally got a chance in Bulger, and now Davis.

And yeah Vita I loved the fire in his eyes. That's heart, hunger and all things you can't coach.. but it will positively affect a football IF he gets the reigns as the starter.

Fisher may lose me for good if he goes back to Hill.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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When you look at the history of St. Louis Rams QBs.. I see a guy who finally got a chance in Warner, then a guy who finally got a chance in Bulger, and now Davis.

And yeah Vita I loved the fire in his eyes. That's heart, hunger and all things you can't coach.. but it will positively affect a football IF he gets the reigns as the starter.

Fisher may lose me for good if he goes back to Hill.
I wont be mad at him.

It's his job to lose and right now he is skating on thin ice so winning every game right now is very important to him.

I said it before and I'll say it again, Fisher knows a hell of a lot more than anyone of us and sees the competition day in and day out. Evaluates tape and see things from all his tenure in the game that we fans may never pick up on, so I'll concede.

That said, sometimes we are too close to things to see what everyone else sees. Since Fisher is a GOD fearing man hopefully he will do what we are tasked to do in situations like this ....

Crack the ole' Bible open and start praying for guidance...:nod:


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Kirk Cousins kind of got his name out there by doing exactly what Austin Davis is doing. I kinda like the thought of him being in a QB battle with Hill in that its really going to make one of them earn it.

General thoughts:

-Austin Davis was good.
-Special Teams saved the game.
-The defense was actually very bad against the run against a team with a bad oline. I think the Rams might be over-scheming with their defense if that is possible.
-The prevent defense really sucks
-Tavon Austin and Greg Robinson are going to go down in infamy if they dont get their asses on the field


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Apr 20, 2013
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Fisher may know alot more than any of us, but he knows a hell of alot less than these other successful coaches in the NFL, hence his ill prepared teams year in and year out..smh.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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Kirk Cousins was behind RG3, who the REDSKINS gave up a small fortune for. If RG3 is ready, he's got to start over Cousins unless he goes Jamarcus bad.

Austin Davis is behind Shawn Hill. A 34 year old veteran backup? Any coach with a brain goes with the guy who led his team to a W, not an older back up.

See Tim Tebow vs. Kyle Orton a few years ago. I believe they WON a playoff game. lol

My point is 2 things here:
1) Shaun Hill is no RG3
2) Davis should start. 95% of people who watch NFL would agree. Did anyone see Fisher yesterday? He looks old. Bible fearing or not, he's an idiot if he starts Hill and the Rams will probably lose if he does.


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Apr 20, 2013
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I think Fisher is sticking with Hill because he has more starting experience. Davis doesn't have that compared to Hill but Davis played well and he made some key throws and didn't turn the ball over which helped us win the game. Hill had some good players in Detroit which made him look better than he actually is.


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Apr 18, 2013
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The only thing davis does better than hill at this point after 2 games is move around in the pocket more which seems to help our crappy o-line, but i got this feeling davis is gonna end up on the IR if the online does not improve.


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I agree with SJ76. You got to start Davis. That last game might really get his mojo going for another win. Got to ride that I think. He does have a better arm than Hill. Not start some old back up that was never a starter. A. Davis might turn into a good starter if given time. But I guess Fisher knows more than me about the situation. Of course Fisher might have a quick hook for Hill. Also this last game by Davis might light a fire under Hill to do better. Maybe Fisher is hoping for that. But will have a quick hook if not.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Kirk Cousins was behind RG3, who the REDSKINS gave up a small fortune for. If RG3 is ready, he's got to start over Cousins unless he goes Jamarcus bad.

Austin Davis is behind Shawn Hill. A 34 year old veteran backup? Any coach with a brain goes with the guy who led his team to a W, not an older back up.

See Tim Tebow vs. Kyle Orton a few years ago. I believe they WON a playoff game. lol

My point is 2 things here:
1) Shaun Hill is no RG3
2) Davis should start. 95% of people who watch NFL would agree. Did anyone see Fisher yesterday? He looks old. Bible fearing or not, he's an idiot if he starts Hill and the Rams will probably lose if he does.

I favor Davis also, but the Rams are probably going to lose most of their games regardless of who the QB is. It's an issue that the Rams will have to address next season, which is no secret.

Whoever we have, let's support them and hope the Rams can win some games.


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Apr 30, 2013
Akron, Ohio
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I'll back Austin Davis as long as he's under center in St. Louis. But, if healthy, I still believe that Shaun Hill gives the Rams the best chance to win football games. If Fisher goes back to Hill, I'm all for it.


Apr 17, 2013
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I'll back Austin Davis as long as he's under center in St. Louis. But, if healthy, I still believe that Shaun Hill gives the Rams the best chance to win football games. If Fisher goes back to Hill, I'm all for it.
I agree with most of this except I'd rather see Davis as our QB....

With some real starter time who knows how this kid Davis may develop:noidea:


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TJ essentially won that game, with the blocked field goal, then the hit on Evans to end the game. The LB play has been terrible this year, time to start Armstrong, Dunbar is doing nothing out there, IMO


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Jul 16, 2013
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I don't know, Armstrong was so erratic in the preseason. Dunbar may be invisible, but Ray Ray was visible for all the wrong reasons. Maybe Bates?


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I agree with most of this except I'd rather see Davis as our QB....

With some real starter time who knows how this kid Davis may develop:noidea:

Eh... I don't really see it. Yeah, the season isn't going all that swimmingly, but being only week 3, I don't think we're in "playing to develop" mode just yet. I think if we're looking at trying to salvage things, Hill is our best option. Besides, Davis been with the team for 2 years now. I don't see anything special about him. If we haven't seen it by now, I doubt we ever will.

It's nice to know we can count on him in a pinch (at least, it appears that way). But, he didn't do anything on Sunday to make me believe he's a full-time starter.


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Apr 30, 2013
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Wait a minute... IT JUST HIT ME!

I knew I had seen this scenario play out before. I just couldn't put my finger on it. This guy look familiar? Nobody's mentioned him yet, but it might not be easy to recognize him without the beard...

Back in '05, Marc Bulger was injured and then backup Jamie Martin was playing in his place, until he himself was injured in a game against an awful Texans team. Enter everybody's favorite... the 3rd string QB... Ryan Fitzpatrick. He came in and led the Rams back from a 2 TD deficit, to win in OT. Everybody loved the kid. He was an overnight sensation in St. Louis. Our next "Kurt Warner story". Everybody wanted him to start... and start he did... and then we all found out why he was 3rd in the rotation.

I don't recall winning another game that year. Among some pretty awful outings though, I do recall him having a 5 INT game in there somewhere.

Do I think Davis is as bad as Fitzpatrick? I have no idea. But, I know the scenario is the same. Davis is the 3rd string QB for a reason. IMO, if you have a better option, you go with it (granted, back in '05, both Martin and Fitzpatrick were equally awful). 2nd is better than 3rd. Reinstating a "healthy" Shaun Hill is the smart move, IMO. I guess I could see if Hill was playing terribly when he was in there. Then I could see a tough decision.

But, going off the emotion of one win seems a bit knee-jerk or desperate to me. Then again... I suppose you could make the case that these are indeed desperate times. :sigh:


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So far, Austin Davis has been put in situations where he shouldn't succeed and has had decent success. We haven't seen him get a lot of reps with the first team yet but he looked like Drew Brees against the Bucs in that very small sample size. I realize the Bucs are 0-2 but they are also about 2 plays from being 2-0.

Let him play.


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So far, Austin Davis has been put in situations where he shouldn't succeed and has had decent success. We haven't seen him get a lot of reps with the first team yet but he looked like Drew Brees against the Bucs in that very small sample size. I realize the Bucs are 0-2 but they are also about 2 plays from being 2-0.

Let him play.

See... that's exactly the kind of emotional response I'm talking about (and I'm not trying to single out you in particular, Clayton). In reality, Davis didn't look anything remotely close to "Drew Brees-esque" on Sunday. Yet, to hear some fans tell it, he played like a future HoFer. It's like waking up Monday wearing hindsight beer goggles. Lol.

I just hope the coaching staff doesn't get caught up in the euphoria of the last 60 minutes and makes the best call for the team, whether it be Hill or Davis... or Case Keenum (highly doubtful), for that matter. If Fisher decides it's Davis... then so be it. I just don't think that it is.


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See... that's exactly the kind of emotional response I'm talking about (and I'm not trying to single out you in particular, Clayton). In reality, Davis didn't look anything remotely close to "Drew Brees-esque" on Sunday. Yet, to hear some fans tell it, he played like a future HoFer. It's like waking up Monday wearing hindsight beer goggles. Lol.
True but Id say at least half of the time teams needs to improvise a bit when it comes to QBs.