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Rams@49ers Post-Game Analysis: Rams Win 13-10


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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On a day when no one gave us much of a chance against the 49ers at home including most of us on this board and with our recent history with referee crews looming in our memories and our poor and struggling offense, the Rams surprised everyone and overcame their own stupid mistakes to eek out a defensive battle in the Bay area. It was the Defense that was the star in today's game. They played a solid full game and came up big in the end. They woke up and had 8 sacks, harassed and pressured Kaepernick all day long, shut-down Frank Gore for a second time, and they didn't cave when they have appeared to cave in the past. The team took some small steps in the right direction by beating the 49ers in their new home digs and they did it with all manner of obstacles including a offense that could not get going and a horrific referee crew that continued to screw the Rams over at the worst times in the game.

On Offense. The Positives. The O-line took some small steps today blocking fairly decent to allow Tre Mason to run 19 times for 65 yards and they only gave up one sack for 4 yards. There was just two penalties of holding on Robinson and Wells but neither gave up a sack which happened over Barksdale. This line is improving with the new alignment of left-to-right of Robinson, Saffold, Wells, Joseph, and Barksdale. They can do better but they were one of the bright spots along with Tre Mason who hit holes with explosion and speed. Kenny Brit continues to make good catches when he needs to and he had a pretty good today being number two on the catch list with 2catches for 32 yards behind Benny Cunningham who had 3 catches for 28 yards. Travon Austin had a decent day receiving and running back punts though.:yahoo:

On Offense. The Negatives. Austin Davis had his second tough game facing a very stout Niners defense and along with some assinine playcalling by Shittenehimer, he finished the day going 13 of 24 for a paltry 102 yards, one TD, and 2 interceptions compared to Kaepernick who went 22 for 33 for 237 yards, 1 TD, and two fumbles. Davis just could not get on track and he looked rattled early and through most of the third quarter. This was the fourth game in-a-row where we have scored zero points in the third quarter and Davis' INTS were early on in the first half where all onlookers had no idea who he was throwing to or why. Shittenheimer continues to be clueless in certain game situations and he had touches of that today.

On Defense. The Positives. The defense were the stars today. They kept us in the game all day long and helped Davis and the offense overcome those two early INTs. The sack machine returned in force. We had 8 sacks on the day, three fumbles, two recovered, and they shutdown Gore again allowing just 14 carries for 49 yards. They held the Niners scoreless in the fourth quarter as well. After being ranked 31st in the league in run defense, our run defense had a lot to prove. They did a great job primarily through A. Donald, Brockers, Laurinaitus, Quinn, Hayes, Sims, and Ogletree who quietly returned to playing sanity. For the record E. gaines was top tackler but that wasn't the story.

The story was SACKS: 8 of them and 6 in the first half. The latter we have not accomplished since 2003. Laurinaitus had a sack and a fumble recovery. That fumble recovery was the Kaepernick fumble at the goal line when the Niners were driving for a sure TD and he preserved the win with just 2 seconds left along with a defensive stand. It was a thing of beauty to watch. R. Quinn had 2 sacks, E. Sims had a sack and a fumble recovery, M. Brockers had a sack and stuffed the run all day long, A. Donald had a sack and stuffed the run all day long, and William Hayes who left the game in the fourth quarter had 2 sacks. The front seven harassed and pressure Kaepernick and kudos to DC, G. Williams, for putting together a defensive strategy that had Kaepernick confused and frustrated all game long.

On Special Teams. The Positives. Greg Zuerlein returned to form going 2 for 2 on FGs and Johnny Hekker had booming punts all day long. Zuerlein barely made his first FG but nonetheless eeked it through the uprights.

On STs. The Negatives. Penalities returned to this bunch and the worst time was at the end of the fourth quarter. They need to stop these mental errors because they continue to haunt us. Travon Austin needs to understand that when you field a missed field goal that you run like hell out of the endzone instead of almost getting tackled there for a saftey. Fisher did not like that boneheaded move right before the half at all and rightly so.

I normally don't address the referee crews because their job is difficult and they do a pretty darn good job but today, their bias was so blatant, they nearly cost us and some Niners fans believe their Niners the game. They made several blatant missjudgments and it began with failing to call a clear fumble on the Niners in the first half that was recovered by the Rams. Then they blew a punt return on the Rams late in the fourth quarter when they thought Austin stepped out of bounds but did not. They blew the play dead and then covered themselves by calling offsetting penalties and a re-kick. Then there was the fumble at the goal line by Kaepernick. After a defensive stand by the Rams with 24 seconds left at the 2-yard line, Kaepernick took the snap and it was a QB sneak but he began a fumble and never had possession. As he crossed the goal line, the ball came out and there was confusion because of the scrum of bodies. Some thought the ball crossed the goal line before Laurinaitus came out of the pile with the ball but there was no clear evidence to overrule the call on the field which was no TD and Rams ball. The game ended but it was a very poorly called game.

On we go with a road game to my home town, Phoenix against the 7 and 1 Cardinals. This will be another tough game but if our D shows up like it today, we are in the hunt at 3 and 5.
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You can never have too many knives.
Jul 7, 2013
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I didn't think the Rams' O-line played well at all. It seemed to me that Davis was constantly under pressure & had to continuously rolled out to his right to try avoid the sack & extend the play. While he only was sacked once, he was running for his life all game long.


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Apr 18, 2013
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a win is a win ill take it :S how gaines is ok


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Jul 12, 2013
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I have to agree with Davis-mike. I don't think the Oline played well at all. Davis was under pressure all day. Pass pro was adbismal and run blocking was so so. And schotty is just in over his head and that's apparent by his play calling in critical situations.

Overall I'm happy that we put together a 60 minute performance. Good game!


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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How does the words "fairly decent" get interpreted into "playing well". Uh, I think some folks need a guide on the meaning of the words "fairly decent" especially after I provided qualifiers as to what those words meant for today.


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Jul 18, 2013
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Great analysis Retro. Wish I could have seen the game. Had to listen on Sirius radio at work, but listening to D'Marco Farr makes it worth it. He really gets into it, especially games against the 9ers.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
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Our O-line has holes Like Swiss cheese right and they lined up versus A top 5 NFL defense. To expect our Oline to be solid on the road versus that defense would be foolish.


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Jul 11, 2013
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Good write up! :clap:

I agree the referees are really hurting us lately. But there was 1 time in the game that really bothered me that you forgot to mention in your write up. I believe it was in the 3rd qtr when the 49er MLB Boreland picked up and slammed Tre Mason on his head! This was CLEARLY a personal foul and uncalled for! He didn't have to tackle like that! Totally unnecessary! No flag thrown! Initially, it looked as though Tre Mason was going to be hurt, but he got up and was ok. IMO, Jeff Fisher should have climbed all over that referee crew for missing a blatant (safety of the players) call! No flag thrown, would have given us a 1st down but ended up punting! Typical RAM luck! I believe Boreland should be given a hefty fine for this!


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Apr 20, 2013
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Good Analysis Retro, I'll take the W, but the rams still aren't a good team. We cannot depend on the defense to keep us in games week in and week out; it is completely unacceptable. The offense has no excuse as to why they cannot mix up the play calling and it would be a different story if there was a complete lack of offensive talent on this team but that isn't the case. Shittenhiemer still needs to go and unfortunately that isn't going to change unless Fisher gets his head out of his own ass. Like I said I'll take then win, but these week in and week out piss poor perfomances can be corrected as I believe our players are good enough to do so.

The 2nd half lack of changes is just mind boggling as we have won 3 games by luck which is okay. But when are we going to get that win where all the pieces come together and its a cruise to victory rather than a questionable call that gives us a win when we clearly are on the bring of losing?


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
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Finally a win we can be proud of. Were there areas that we could have played better? Certainly. And as many, including Retro's excellent analysis pointed out, this team is still in need of vast improvement before we are going to consistently compete week in and week out. But at least now we have something to pin our hopes on. Our defense turned in the best performance of the year, and without its leader Chris Long yet. Long I don't believe adds as much physically as many others may think, but we've come to learn that his leadership is sorely missed on this team. Penalties continue, poor OL play, and well, what can you say that already hasn't been said for that horse's end Shottenheimer. But we'll have to be happy with baby steps for now.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Yea Zeke, I remember that play. There were so many bad calls and non-calls especially on the Rams that I left many out for editing purposes. It reminded me of Joe Turkey Jones body slamming Terry Bradshaw back in the 70's and it is illegal just like horse collar tackles. Wasn't called. Not even close.

Yep Jermaine, I mentioned in the game thread that here we are into the halfway point of the season and this team still comes out and commits mental mistakes. The D did it early and so did the O and that falls on the coaching.


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Apr 22, 2013
Colorado Springs, CO
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There is only one word to describle yesterday's victory, "LUCKY!" We tried to give it away.

Great stuff retro!


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Jul 12, 2013
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Well TEB I wouldn't call it lucky.

Honestly the score should have been 20 - 10 Rams.
The Refs called two TD's back on the Rams that shouldn't have been called back. One of them was a 50/50 call because there was two fouls on the play. But the call back on the fumble was a joke. Refs should be fired for that call alone.


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Aug 3, 2014
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Congratulations, gentlemen. Enjoy this win because it gives you a lot to build and improve on.


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Apr 22, 2013
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jacob, you are correct, the score should have been alot worse than it was, but how many times does that play happen on the goal line with any team? We got lucky, FINALLY!


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Well TEB I wouldn't call it lucky.

Honestly the score should have been 20 - 10 Rams.
The Refs called two TD's back on the Rams that shouldn't have been called back. One of them was a 50/50 call because there was two fouls on the play. But the call back on the fumble was a joke. Refs should be fired for that call alone.

I agree jacobarch. That fumble was so blatant that it boggles the imagination how they didn't even call it. Then the punt return being blown dead because the line judge thought Austin stepped out of bounds when the replay clearly demonstrated he had at least six inches to spare. They blew the play dead and Austin was going to score. Then there was the head-first body slam that Zeke mentioned. Wasn't even recognized as an illegal tackle. But if we horse collar, the refs are all over that one. The refs really sucked yesterday and we neary lost the game because of it.:10:
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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Great Analysis Retro! As always, well done!

I'm going to truncate or amend my post from the Game thread because I feel it is relevant to this thread.

We are beginning to see the maturation of the Greg Williams defense. Small nuances that make a difference in the the Williams defensive schemes began to come to light yesterday. Our challenges of rookies just learning the basics of the NFL such as recognizing offensive sets and disguises, which are just not that simple, are beginning to take hold. Often it takes getting burned or turned wrong several times in several games for even highly talented rookies before they begin to learn from these mistakes by study of tape do they finally begin to make the adjustments and react instead of 'think and react'. That's a huge difference.

Now those complicated aspect with the Williams defense just takes time to implement and anyone who has ever tried to implement change in any organization understands the true challenges involved.

Down deep, we all knew or at least hoped, it was only a matter of time before we would start to get to the QB's with our front seven and our defense would begin to shine.

I'm on record as not a big fan of Greg Williams' defensive style but I have always said, I believe he is a good DC. My problem, he puts those D backs out on an island when we have the front four or front seven talent to get pressure on QB without those gambles. Worked well in this one so maybe I'm coming around, that is, as long as we can sustain it! LOL

I wonder if defensive PI is a part of Williams plan as a last ditch bend don't break? Seemed like it yesterday and you know, it did save us on that final drive, so I'm not so sure it's a bad plan fellas!

What do you think?
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Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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I was thinking of something similar Vita. Up till yesterday, the LBs looked lost. We all commented on how Ogletree was totally confused and caught out of position, Laurinaitus was getting blocked and appeared not involved in tackling like he used to be, and Dunbar was just getting beat.

Yesterday, the LBs looked solid and all three had a pretty decent game. They all appeared to have returned to their normal badness. Perhaps that is what you are explaining. A confused player always looks like a bust and many of us were pronouncing Laurinaitus ready for a trade and Ogletree a complete waste of a draft pick. Perhaps we might continue along what you are espousing here. Good addition to the thread and thanks for the kind words.
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