I like your beard.
The Flyers fans have made their own superstitious thread elsewhere. I don't get it. But hey, we're hockey fans, superstition is just part of the territory.
The Flyers need to put on their Big Boy pants in the 2nd.
The Flyers fans have made their own superstitious thread elsewhere. I don't get it. But hey, we're hockey fans, superstition is just part of the territory.
Well you have to understand, us Flyer fans haven't seen them awake for along time, so it will be a welcomed sight!
Boise had the rights to tonight's GNT Saturday. This GNT is counterfeit.
Hey the Pens signed some "Primanti" guy to take place of "Geno" while he is out.
Nyuk nyuk
Agreed. It's kind of like calling shotgun. You've got to be able to see the car.
This is a Penguins fan with "GO PENS ON FSN" carved into his chest/beer gut hair. FLYERS AT PENGUINS: SECOND PERIOD THREAD This is the kind of crap our boys are putting up with out... - Broad Street Hockey
Sometimes I feel like people get their material from our board.
This is a Penguins fan with "GO PENS ON FSN" carved into his chest/beer gut hair. FLYERS AT PENGUINS: SECOND PERIOD THREAD This is the kind of crap our boys are putting up with out... - Broad Street Hockey
Sometimes I feel like people get their material from our board.
From what I understand, they've teased you with occasional good periods, and then just disappeared.
The Pens are an impressive team. Coach has instilled a belief and the players are responding to the challenge. They have molded themselves into a menace of a defensive team.
It's aggrevating watching the Flyers struggle so much against their system.
We could see the car alright. I had my schedule right next to me.
You read Broad STreet Hockey?