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possible good news for fans of the running game


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Aug 19, 2013
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I think we will have a FB on the roster. I think it was a huge mistake last year and we eventually realized it. We need both a FB and a TE that can block on the roster IMO


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Jul 15, 2013
Dallas Texas
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I think we will have a FB on the roster. I think it was a huge mistake last year and we eventually realized it. We need both a FB and a TE that can block on the roster IMO

Ding Ding Ding its that simple and hopefully the coaching staff finally gets a clue and uses the running game the way it should be used. Not sure if its the staff or Romo but whoever it is needs a Gibbs slap to bring the point home.

"Gibbs slap" is a NCIS reference for those that don't watch the show


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A young and healthy OL plus a FB will pay massive dividends for the team. Everyone benefits from it, but the 3WR and TE the most since a good running game will keep the LB's close to the line for an extra half step.


Goodell is a polesmoker
Aug 3, 2013
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Most of us see the need. I somehow don't get the feeling that Garrett sees the running game as a priority. We can all see the positives of a good running, helps open up the passing game and controls the clock and keeps a bad defense off the field. Right now I see this team a few drafts away from being a 9 to 10 win team. The foundation is being set but more help is needed


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Aug 19, 2013
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Most of us see the need. I somehow don't get the feeling that Garrett sees the running game as a priority. We can all see the positives of a good running, helps open up the passing game and controls the clock and keeps a bad defense off the field. Right now I see this team a few drafts away from being a 9 to 10 win team. The foundation is being set but more help is needed

I think Garrett sees it as a priority 6 days a week and then on Sunday his panic takes over and he sometimes abandons it. Best thing for this team is Garrett is nowhere near the play calling during the game or in the weekly game planning sessions about which plays we will run. He just doesn't have the stomach to watch us try to run the ball on 3rd and 3 or run the ball at all when we are down. He acts like we need to throw the ball every play if we are losing and then if we are winning doesn't get the benefit of running. Weird for what we are told is such a smart guy...


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Jul 22, 2013
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I think Garrett sees it as a priority 6 days a week and then on Sunday his panic takes over and he sometimes abandons it. Best thing for this team is Garrett is nowhere near the play calling during the game or in the weekly game planning sessions about which plays we will run. He just doesn't have the stomach to watch us try to run the ball on 3rd and 3 or run the ball at all when we are down. He acts like we need to throw the ball every play if we are losing and then if we are winning doesn't get the benefit of running. Weird for what we are told is such a smart guy...

Maybe it's Garrett and maybe it's Romo with regards to run/pass ratio. I've never had the comfort level with Romo making that call at the line of scrimmage on 3rd and 3. Like so many other topics with this team, I think it's a group effort and doesn't fall on just one guy. I think Garret being a walk about coach is good for this team, but no way in hell any head football coach is not going to be involved in game planning and play calling at certain times of a game.


Aug 29, 2013
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I think Garrett sees it as a priority 6 days a week and then on Sunday his panic takes over and he sometimes abandons it. Best thing for this team is Garrett is nowhere near the play calling during the game or in the weekly game planning sessions about which plays we will run. He just doesn't have the stomach to watch us try to run the ball on 3rd and 3 or run the ball at all when we are down. He acts like we need to throw the ball every play if we are losing and then if we are winning doesn't get the benefit of running. Weird for what we are told is such a smart guy...

I think its a little more than that. Garretts comments about Murray "running out of bounds" struck me as odd, in that #1. Murray was killing it that day, and #2 It just seemed like a dumb thing to say. Whether its he cant stomach it or just doesnt believe in it is what Im not sure of.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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Maybe it's Garrett and maybe it's Romo with regards to run/pass ratio. I've never had the comfort level with Romo making that call at the line of scrimmage on 3rd and 3. Like so many other topics with this team, I think it's a group effort and doesn't fall on just one guy. I think Garret being a walk about coach is good for this team, but no way in hell any head football coach is not going to be involved in game planning and play calling at certain times of a game.

I agree it's not all Garrett, but when it happens over and over it's either him pushing it, or him not putting a stop to it when he is HC. Romo seems to change plays like a HS QB that has tunnel vision on one or two keys. If he sees that safety step up he often seems to audible to a pass...and everyone, including the defense knows it...again we are told he too is such a smart guy...

That was mostly tongue and cheek, but I'm certainly not talking about him not being involved in the general game plan, I was only alluding to the actual play calling aspect. A lot of HCs aren't involved in that. They want to know about it and oversee it and perhaps even have final say over it, but they delegate the responsibility of the actual plays they will run and when.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
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I agree it's not all Garrett, but when it happens over and over it's either him pushing it, or him not putting a stop to it when he is HC. Romo seems to change plays like a HS QB that has tunnel vision on one or two keys. If he sees that safety step up he often seems to audible to a pass...and everyone, including the defense knows it...again we are told he too is such a smart guy...

That was mostly tongue and cheek, but I'm certainly not talking about him not being involved in the general game plan, I was only alluding to the actual play calling aspect. A lot of HCs aren't involved in that. They want to know about it and oversee it and perhaps even have final say over it, but they delegate the responsibility of the actual plays they will run and when.

Romo- 37 JG -36 Wonderlic scores. I think they are fairly smart.


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Aug 19, 2013
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Romo- 37 JG -36 Wonderlic scores. I think they are fairly smart.

Yup and went to Princeton...yet can't figure out when to call a time out...go figure...


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Jul 19, 2013
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Heres a question. Some runners dont like a fullback. That position has pretty much has vanished in the NFL. Does D. Murray prefer a FB or not? Does the Cowboys system need a FB to work? The Eagles dont use FB's with McCoy and I think AP doesnt run with one either (But I could be wrong about AP but I know the Eagles dont even have a FB.

Teams definitely can have an effective run game without a FB. Especially since teams are spreading things out more.


Fuck off!
Apr 26, 2010
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Heres a question. Some runners dont like a fullback. That position has pretty much has vanished in the NFL. Does D. Murray prefer a FB or not? Does the Cowboys system need a FB to work? The Eagles dont use FB's with McCoy and I think AP doesnt run with one either (But I could be wrong about AP but I know the Eagles dont even have a FB.

Teams definitely can have an effective run game without a FB. Especially since teams are spreading things out more.

I agree that teams dont need a FB to be successful. I can see where it could benefit certain RBs but many teams just aren't willing to spend a roster spot on a FB unless they plan on using him enough. I figure you could always throw a TE in at FB when needed?


Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree that teams dont need a FB to be successful. I can see where it could benefit certain RBs but many teams just aren't willing to spend a roster spot on a FB unless they plan on using him enough. I figure you could always throw a TE in at FB when needed?

Murray seems to run better behind a FB.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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Heres a question. Some runners dont like a fullback. That position has pretty much has vanished in the NFL. Does D. Murray prefer a FB or not? Does the Cowboys system need a FB to work? The Eagles dont use FB's with McCoy and I think AP doesnt run with one either (But I could be wrong about AP but I know the Eagles dont even have a FB.

Teams definitely can have an effective run game without a FB. Especially since teams are spreading things out more.

I guess it's different in all cases. You can't compare McCoy and Murray or the Eagles Offense to the Cowboys. IMO Murray is better with a FB, but along the lines of what you are getting at I would think Dunbar is better without a FB. Guys that are at their best in space and with explosive speed and quickness could be hampered by a slower FB in front of them or taking up space. That isn't Murray. But, it also just comes down to the play you are running or the Offensive set you are in. Our Offense when a FB isn't used often times includes a TE. So the spreadout aspect that a FB could hurt isn't always there. However, in 3 WR sets or when we spread things out more then I would not see us using a FB.

I guess thats a lot of words to say it depends?


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Jul 7, 2013
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anyone that tapes games and watches them a few times over ......

When we lined up in the I formation last year ( 2nd half of the season) we controlled the game.

Thats not my opinion .... thats fact on tape ...

If we dont have a starting fullback ,,,,, it becomes pure ignorance