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Play Call


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I hate that play call with a passion.


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shouldn't have been going for two. our coach is plain awful on gameday


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I'll see your hate and raise you many more play calls than that ONE. How about the decision to even go for it from the get-go when it was 21-9? Only need an XP instead of two if you'd kicked the XP. But no, he has to go for it, and then compound that stupidity with let's just call a 'go ahead and make a play' call at the biggest point of the game, after you've made some stupid fucking calls to put your team in that position anyway. I mean how the actual fuck do you say that's the call I'd make 9 times out of 10? You can't, so you shouldn't be calling that. Besides, wasn't the option to run from the pocket there for Kizer, THE WHOLE FUCKING GAME?! Why in the hell would you take options away and give the defense an easy-as-fucking-hell read as soon as it's snapped?

Way too late on the proper adjustments. Only in the 4th quarter do we start, you know, taking what the fucking defense is giving since they weren't allowing anything deep. Crossing routes only show up in the 4th? RB to the flat only in the 3rd or later? Lest we forget our butter-fucking-finger receivers who not only can't "RECEIVE" the ball, but can't protect it either. Robinson, Brown, Hunter... what are they even doing on the roster? I watch a guy named Vandenberg (sp?) from Iowa catch balls in traffic with ease, with defenders draped all over him, but these primadonnas can't even get SEPARATION much less make a wide open catch consistently? Kizer played his @ss off. His entire upperclassmen support let his ass down, from the Coach, to the Oline, to the Receivers, to the damned gameplan itself. False Starts, blown assignments, dropped balls, stupid play-calling when the D is lining up 8 in the box and you run it up the fucking gut? I have no words to express the absolute disgust I feel. Best Oline in the country? At Pass blocking maybe, but the rest still needs plenty of work.

Coulda woulda shoulda and all that; we left more points on the field than Clemson, meaning, we could've won, but I won't say shoulda because that'd be taking credit away from Clemson. But just the knowing that we could've won, had it not been for things that are usually avoided by awareness and coaching is a worse way to lose than if you'd just been over matched to begin with.

I can't watch this stupidity week in and week out.


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I will say the Receivers did drop the ball a bunch but they weather was pretty shitty but they still should have made the plays. The one saving grace is that the season is far from over and things can very easily go back their way with losses ahead of them which happened some this weekend.


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Robinson has poor hands, if he had better hands he would be a terrific WR. Brown at least makes some big plays, even if he did have some drops tonight and in the past.


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Jul 3, 2013
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I'll see your hate and raise you many more play calls than that ONE. How about the decision to even go for it from the get-go when it was 21-9? Only need an XP instead of two if you'd kicked the XP. But no, he has to go for it, and then compound that stupidity with let's just call a 'go ahead and make a play' call at the biggest point of the game, after you've made some stupid fucking calls to put your team in that position anyway. I mean how the actual fuck do you say that's the call I'd make 9 times out of 10? You can't, so you shouldn't be calling that. Besides, wasn't the option to run from the pocket there for Kizer, THE WHOLE FUCKING GAME?! Why in the hell would you take options away and give the defense an easy-as-fucking-hell read as soon as it's snapped?

Way too late on the proper adjustments. Only in the 4th quarter do we start, you know, taking what the fucking defense is giving since they weren't allowing anything deep. Crossing routes only show up in the 4th? RB to the flat only in the 3rd or later? Lest we forget our butter-fucking-finger receivers who not only can't "RECEIVE" the ball, but can't protect it either. Robinson, Brown, Hunter... what are they even doing on the roster? I watch a guy named Vandenberg (sp?) from Iowa catch balls in traffic with ease, with defenders draped all over him, but these primadonnas can't even get SEPARATION much less make a wide open catch consistently? Kizer played his @ss off. His entire upperclassmen support let his ass down, from the Coach, to the Oline, to the Receivers, to the damned gameplan itself. False Starts, blown assignments, dropped balls, stupid play-calling when the D is lining up 8 in the box and you run it up the fucking gut? I have no words to express the absolute disgust I feel. Best Oline in the country? At Pass blocking maybe, but the rest still needs plenty of work.

Coulda woulda shoulda and all that; we left more points on the field than Clemson, meaning, we could've won, but I won't say shoulda because that'd be taking credit away from Clemson. But just the knowing that we could've won, had it not been for things that are usually avoided by awareness and coaching is a worse way to lose than if you'd just been over matched to begin with.

I can't watch this stupidity week in and week out.

I understand the logic in going for 2, but I think it was too early to be thinking we'd only have time for a TD and a field goal. Not a great decision, But let's not compare this to the Northwestern decision last year. That decision was world class stupid.

Four turnovers in one half and still in a position to win. Makes it really disappointing, but there were enough good things to make me think we still have a shot at the playoff.


Special Agent
Apr 19, 2013
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Robinson and Brown has really bad hands.


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You call a time out and you have your QB run there? Dumb play call, I can see maybe if the ball was on the 1/2 foot line but not where they were

ND_loyal son

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I'll see your hate and raise you many more play calls than that ONE. How about the decision to even go for it from the get-go when it was 21-9? Only need an XP instead of two if you'd kicked the XP. But no, he has to go for it, and then compound that stupidity with let's just call a 'go ahead and make a play' call at the biggest point of the game, after you've made some stupid fucking calls to put your team in that position anyway. I mean how the actual fuck do you say that's the call I'd make 9 times out of 10? You can't, so you shouldn't be calling that. Besides, wasn't the option to run from the pocket there for Kizer, THE WHOLE FUCKING GAME?! Why in the hell would you take options away and give the defense an easy-as-fucking-hell read as soon as it's snapped?

Way too late on the proper adjustments. Only in the 4th quarter do we start, you know, taking what the fucking defense is giving since they weren't allowing anything deep. Crossing routes only show up in the 4th? RB to the flat only in the 3rd or later? Lest we forget our butter-fucking-finger receivers who not only can't "RECEIVE" the ball, but can't protect it either. Robinson, Brown, Hunter... what are they even doing on the roster? I watch a guy named Vandenberg (sp?) from Iowa catch balls in traffic with ease, with defenders draped all over him, but these primadonnas can't even get SEPARATION much less make a wide open catch consistently? Kizer played his @ss off. His entire upperclassmen support let his ass down, from the Coach, to the Oline, to the Receivers, to the damned gameplan itself. False Starts, blown assignments, dropped balls, stupid play-calling when the D is lining up 8 in the box and you run it up the fucking gut? I have no words to express the absolute disgust I feel. Best Oline in the country? At Pass blocking maybe, but the rest still needs plenty of work.

Coulda woulda shoulda and all that; we left more points on the field than Clemson, meaning, we could've won, but I won't say shoulda because that'd be taking credit away from Clemson. But just the knowing that we could've won, had it not been for things that are usually avoided by awareness and coaching is a worse way to lose than if you'd just been over matched to begin with.

I can't watch this stupidity week in and week out.

:agree: Very well said @KnuteRoc. I'll just add that in a game in this hostile road environment, in this weather, we needed to come out sharp and hungry in an attempt to take the crowd out of the game and get a lead that would require Clemson to play catch up in the even worse weather that was expected in the 2nd half. Instead, we came out flat and unfocused. In the part of the post game press conference that I saw, BK tried to throw the defense under the bus for the poor play in the first quarter. I can't argue that they played poorly, but BK's offense did nothing to help them out. A few 3 and outs and idiotic play calling allowed Clemson to win the field position battle early on and put themselves in a position to score those points. After 2 drives, a good offensive coach should have realized that Clemson's M.O. was to load up and stop the run. We essentially have 3 offensive coordinators (Kelly, Sanford, Denbrock) and none of them could sense this? The slow developing option reads that ND continued running played right into Clemson's defensive gameplan for much of the first half. It seemed obvious to me pretty early that Clemson was determined to make Kizer beat them with his arm in the horrible weather conditions. Ironically, he proved he could have done it if our coaches had simply recognized and made adjustments earlier with quicker hitting run plays and the passing game.

My biggest issues with the BK era center around the fact that:

1) He is too slow to make in game adjustments and is an overall poor game manager.

2) His teams (mostly QB's) either seem to be aloof, or he can't get the play call in on time? I can't even count the number of times since he's taken over as coach that we've been penalized for a delay of game, a few times even coming out of a time out :doh:, or had to waste an early time out (that we needed later) as a result of the play clock running out. If I remember correctly it happened on 2 of 3 plays last night that sandwiched a false start. We went from 2nd and 7 to 2nd and 22. I remember when he came to ND he swore we would be running an up tempo offense that would simply push a pace that opponents couldn't keep up with. He did it at Cincinnati, but it hasn't translated here? I remember games with Golson and Rees where we would have to waste a time out on the first play from scrimmage in the game and/or the 2nd half. That is simply inexcusable and makes me feel like he just doesn't have his $#!? together.

3) Offensive linemen get too many false start penalties and often at some of the worst times. They'll turn a 3rd and 3 into a 3rd and 8 at the drop of a hat. It just reeks of a lack of discipline and focus.

4) Completely poor play calling at crucial times.

Last night's game was a microcosm of Kelly's time at ND as all of these issues led to a loss that could have been a win. Kelly has gotten us close to the next level, but for whatever reason, he has not taken us over the hump. I'm frustrated because I thought this really was going to be the year. It still may be, but I'm just tired of seeing the same mistakes year after year.


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BK quote "I want our practices to be harder than the games. The games should be easy"

Might want to think that one over. Your team is buying in that these games are easy, and NOT SHOWING THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Garland, Texas
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It seems I must apologize (repent) for my slinging of curse words in my moments of anger. Old military habits of speech die hard. I don't mind the word but my mom hates when I say it. I say, it's noun, it's a pronoun, it's a verb, it's an adjective, it's just that versatile.

But do accept my apologies if I offended by my liberal usage.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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It seems I must apologize (repent) for my slinging of curse words in my moments of anger. Old military habits of speech die hard. I don't mind the word but my mom hates when I say it. I say, it's noun, it's a pronoun, it's a verb, it's an adjective, it's just that versatile.

But do accept my apologies if I offended by my liberal usage.

Go forth and sin no more. (unless of course Kelly does something really stupid and then feel free to crank it up)