Does not sound appealing.....not a fan of the flavored liquors like that.....
try it once. yourn mind shall be blown
Does not sound appealing.....not a fan of the flavored liquors like that.....
See here is how it goes in reality....................the more bottles of liquor that you have at yourn house, the less of an alcoholic that you are.
If you're like me, and have a real problem, you always have 1 bottle of whiskey.......just enough to get you by for now.........and when it runs out after 2 days, you go buy another one...........cuz somehow in the back of yourn mind you're always telling yourself, "this will be the last one for a while....."
I'm not a alcoholic..
I'm a social drinker with a binge drinking problem........
I very seldom say "I need a drink" usually if I do it's after a stressful day at work, but I ofter say, I'm bored..... then I hop in the truck and to thee huddle I go.
Only faggots drink liqueurs irule......
The only time I drink for enjoyment is when I'm with me girlfriend........cuz we have a blast together en sech.
I need to find a way to stop drinking alone to be's wrecking me life
fuck y'all i like thee taste of good stuff.
fuck y'all i like thee taste of good stuff.
Sir..... Ye must understand that if ye come to thee huddle and order a fucking appletini I ain't protecting your ass......
Sir..... Ye must understand that if ye come to thee huddle and order a fucking appletini I ain't protecting your ass......
got dammit HH.. thee 2 drinks i listed here is the only flavoured shit i like... and there ain't nothing gay about either of them.
ye all needs to stop thinkin i'm some kinda feggit
smh the stuff that gets in yer head when chuck's gone for a few days
Ok, I'll put on my dunce cap, but what does smh mean?