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Phil emery. Fire him

  • Thread starter cubzzzfanincali
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Sep 3, 2014
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you mean we can't even blitz Matt Flynn?


Jul 12, 2014
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You can't fire all the players under contract...so Tucker, his enabler Trestman, should be gone now.
We are not going to the playoffs, next season starts now...

Emery fate should be determined when the season is over.

They have to do something about Cutler, though. It's hard not to view him as a liability for this team, in all aspects of him being a Chicago Bear.


Kiss my Ass
Jul 10, 2014
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Peyton Manning could not do anything in a situation, where you must score every possession to stay in the game...this is coaching

Wounded Bear

Pilgrim on a Moutain Top
Aug 15, 2014
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No of course not, my point was why stop partway up the foodchain if he's so bad?

Well, that's why you go to Emery.

I can't believe you guys are arguing. I agree with both of you.

I think you fire at least fire Emery and you fire him before you fire anyone else. He's has his fingerprints on every piece of this failed experiment.

But before I hire a new GM who will hire a new coaching staff, I fire the fucker who hired Phil Emery. And that's Ted Phillips.

Like cubzzzfanincali said, "I don't think the owner can be fired...." so that's really the ONLY reason why Virginia McCaskey wouldn't be fired if I was in charge. However, I would be looking at all the mechanisms I had at my disposal to have her classified as mentally incompetent or explore legal options to have her euthanized in some way.

Until the McCaskeys are willing to put together a first class front office, the Bears are doomed to this type of embarrassment at the hands of our better managed division foe well into the foreseeable future (and in this case, the future is foreseeable).


Sep 2, 2014
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My point was, there was a Mccaskey offspring who ISN'T the owner, and the accountant ABOVE Emery who were in charge of hiring him.

If Emery sucks so bad and deserves to be fired why not get the only owner left that was born before rope was invented to fire them too?

EDIT : And somehow I missed that sentence in WB's post. Must have glossed over it because he never agrees with me :)


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Why not? Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady have scored on every possession on us, several times.


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Fire everybody, sell the team, move to LA. Catharsis!

If we were playing to our talent at 3-6, Emery would be the guy to fire. We're not playing to our talent. We're vanishingly less than the sum of our parts.

Trestman's tied his fortunes to Mel Tucker and Jay Cutler. That was a mistake, and it's fair by now to say that he's failed to correct it. Making the mistake wasn't the mortal sin; failing to correct it was.

If Emery doesn't believe in mid-season firings, that's fine. If he doesn't fire Trestman by this offseason, then he'll have failed to correct a mistake. For my money, that's when he'll have committed a mortal sin, too.


Lol, I'm done. Not gonna argue with someone that's being obtuse.

heh, then why are you even on a sports message board? That's a lonely world out there, my friend.

I think we probably mostly agree on most things, I just think we have a different understanding of the organizational responsibilities. If Phillips - and I don't know this to be true, this is just me speaking hypothetically - has done a great job running the organization otherwise (like all of the other stuff that doesn't have to do with personnel decisions), I'm not sure he should be fired. Maybe he should. Certainly if he, say, did a crappy job negotiating the contracts for marketing and equipment management and training/medical and internal personnel HR and all the other bullshit I am sure the president deals with that are aside from the football team, sure, toss him. The problem is that we don't know that. All we know is the guy he hired has not worked out.

As for Emery, and I say this as a detractor (ESPNers will remember me labeling Emery's first two drafts as D and F, although I liked this year's)...but I don't think Emery was a gamble not worth trying. I don't think anyone really knew. Sometimes in the league this is where the next generation geniuses come from, from giving the guy "the shot." It was a gamble, but it clearly is not working. Easy to say in hindsight, but I don't entirely fault them for taking it. Now, we CAN fault them for not waking up and smelling the coffee and not acting when a loud and clear message clearly needs to be sent. The fact that we have heard nothing....zero...from Halas Hall this week is positively jaw-dropping.

So maybe now that I think about it, maybe you are right, and Phillips should go. Hiring these guys is one thing, but to simply let this week pass with nothing means they either don't get it at all or they are just so misguided that it's beyond words.


Title Town
Sep 10, 2014
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The Bears problems lie with Cutler, he plays uninspired football and is not the leader of the team. The QB SHOULD be the leader of his team. The team lacks direction on the field and in the locker room. Boy, do the Bears miss Urlacher.

Cutler was given an elite QB's contract and he's an average joe at best. It also appears that Cutler is just playing for the money and doesn't give a damn about the team. I would bench Cutler and let someone else play.. Too bad they traded McCown


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The Bears problems lie with Cutler, he plays uninspired football and is not the leader of the team. The QB SHOULD be the leader of his team. The team lacks direction on the field and in the locker room. Boy, do the Bears miss Urlacher.

Cutler was given an elite QB's contract and he's an average joe at best. It also appears that Cutler is just playing for the money and doesn't give a damn about the team. I would bench Cutler and let someone else play.. Too bad they traded McCown

He is part of the problem, and a small piece at that. The Bears problems are rooted mostly in the front office, translating to shitty coaching and crappy play.


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1. Bad play, look at the players.

2. Bad game, look at the captains.

3. Bad stretch of games, bad season, look at the coaches.

4. Bad few seasons, look at the GM.

5. Bad bunch of seasons, look at the CEO.

From where I'm sitting, 1 is fading into insignificance, 2 and 3 are red-hot, and 4 has come into play.

It's not that our talent is horrible. It's actually pretty good, considering the complete overhaul we needed.

Our nominal leaders, Briggs on D and Cutler on O, need to go. Easy enough with Briggs, who doesn't really want to be here and who won't be next year anyway. Cutler's young and talented enough that if he has the world's biggest come-to-Jesus moment since Lazarus, he'd be an asset. But he needs to cut himself a switch first.

Our coaches (well, our HC/de facto OC and our DC) have let this happen. They're telling the players who matter--the Kyle Fullers and Alshon Jefferys among others--that mopes like Briggs and Cutler define this team and that guys who play balls-out are chumps. And that's on top of the horrible playcalling and general lack of imagination. They are who they are. The verdict's in. Sentencing might be reserved for the offseason, but they've got to be done here.

Our GM needs to hold our coaches to account. It's to his credit that he gave them enough rope, and he needs to acknowledge that they've hanged themselves with it. We won't know where his mind's at until the offseason.

Which doesn't add up to as much red meat as some of us would like. But I think it's the stark truth.
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Sep 2, 2014
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heh, then why are you even on a sports message board? That's a lonely world out there, my friend.

I think we probably mostly agree on most things, I just think we have a different understanding of the organizational responsibilities. If Phillips - and I don't know this to be true, this is just me speaking hypothetically - has done a great job running the organization otherwise (like all of the other stuff that doesn't have to do with personnel decisions), I'm not sure he should be fired. Maybe he should. Certainly if he, say, did a crappy job negotiating the contracts for marketing and equipment management and training/medical and internal personnel HR and all the other bullshit I am sure the president deals with that are aside from the football team, sure, toss him. The problem is that we don't know that. All we know is the guy he hired has not worked out.

As for Emery, and I say this as a detractor (ESPNers will remember me labeling Emery's first two drafts as D and F, although I liked this year's)...but I don't think Emery was a gamble not worth trying. I don't think anyone really knew. Sometimes in the league this is where the next generation geniuses come from, from giving the guy "the shot." It was a gamble, but it clearly is not working. Easy to say in hindsight, but I don't entirely fault them for taking it. Now, we CAN fault them for not waking up and smelling the coffee and not acting when a loud and clear message clearly needs to be sent. The fact that we have heard nothing....zero...from Halas Hall this week is positively jaw-dropping.

So maybe now that I think about it, maybe you are right, and Phillips should go. Hiring these guys is one thing, but to simply let this week pass with nothing means they either don't get it at all or they are just so misguided that it's beyond words.

yeah, I was being a dick I guess. Just got a little tired of everyone grabbing their pitchforks and aiming at Emery for being a dud. To me it was like chasing down the monster while asking the good doctor what he's going to do next.

I'm sure Ted Phillips is great at the numbers and financial part of the team business. Imho though, if your Team President isn't a football guy and cannot hire a competent football guy(and his resume up to this point is Jerry Angelo and Phil Emery(who I admit, I was excited about)) maybe he shouldn't be that guy.


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1. Bad play, look at the players.

2. Bad game, look at the captains.

3. Bad stretch of games, bad season, look at the coaches.

4. Bad few seasons, look at the GM.

5. Bad bunch of seasons, look at the CEO.

From where I'm sitting, 1 is fading into insignificance, 2 and 3 are red-hot, and 4 has come into play.

It's not that our talent is horrible. It's actually pretty good, considering the complete overhaul we needed.

Our nominal leaders, Briggs on D and Cutler on O, need to go. Easy enough with Briggs, who doesn't really want to be here and who won't be next year anyway. Cutler's young and talented enough that if he has the world's biggest come-to-Jesus moment since Lazarus, he'd be an asset. But he needs to cut himself a switch first.

Our coaches (well, our HC/de facto OC and our DC) have let this happen. They're telling the players who matter--the Kyle Fullers and Alshon Jefferys among others--that mopes like Briggs and Cutler define this team and that guys who play balls-out are chumps. And that's on top of the horrible playcalling and general lack of imagination. They are who they are. The verdict's in. Sentencing might be reserved for the offseason, but they've got to be done here.

Our GM needs to hold our coaches to account. It's to his credit that he gave them enough rope, and he needs to acknowledge that they've hanged themselves with it. We won't know where his mind's at until the offseason.

Which doesn't add up to as much red meat as some of us would like. But I think it's the stark truth.

Excellent post. I agree with pretty much every word of it.

Assuming this season continues more or less the way it's gone so far, this off season will be very interesting. Cutler's presence & contract will loom large over everything. Do you cut the cord and take a crippling salary cap hit or do you try to figure out a way to make it work with him and yet another new offensive system? Which unsavory option is more detrimental to the rebuilding process? I'm really not sure.
Jul 6, 2013
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To me Emory is above avg (bear average) as a GM. Then again Cutler is a above average QB if you use the (bear average). I will give Emory more time. EVERYONE else goes


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Cutler was a gamer at one point. Years of abuse and distrust from shoddy lines and midget receivers, respectively, have turned him into the next Rex Grossman. This is a hard team on QB's. Angelo and Lovie supported Jay with a good D and zero cast on Offense. In comes the new regime and they finally bring in some talent on O and focus on the o-line a little, and the D plays at an historically bad level, shitting their pants at every level. While the Offense certainly hasn't looked great this year, and the majority of that always lies on the QB, there is little doubt that the o-line has regressed measurably and, as mentioned, the D triggers my gag-reflex.

The coaches of all three phases would be my first to go. Tucker couldn't wash my fucking car without fucking it up, Trestman seems more and more out of touch with reality with every passing presser, and Camillas should be fired for not clearly instructing Williams to down every single fucking kick that enters the endzone, bringing it out under no circumstances. (And no, I am not impressed by his recent "record" or his TD return...he is terrible.)

I like the talent we have on O. It is there. But they obviously, alone, are not enough.

I have been disappointed all season with the playcalling, clock and game management and in-game adjustments. That is definitely on Trest.

This week is definitely a pride game, and will say a lot about where they stand, going forward.