Disruptive troll
Grats on the series win Pens fans....Gonna have to play better in the next round or Ottawa will hand you your lunch
I have one thing to say (until I say something else, that is).
Thank God that's over.
Grats on the series win Pens fans....Gonna have to play better in the next round or Ottawa will hand you your lunch
I don't ever want to see the Pens play a game 7 this year.
Only if Nabokov finds a time machine.
And only if time machines make goalies better in the playoffs.
thing is, although Pens were massively outplayed through a LOT of this series, I don't see the Sens giving them the matchup and scheme issues that the Isles did.
Sens are the same type of team the Islanders are...only they have a stud in goal and big D men.
Sens are the same type of team the Islanders are...only they have a stud in goal and big D men.
I think fleury is back for game 1 against the Sens