New Member
I missed the part where he bragged about being a top 5 player.
Post round interview he reiterated it, but he's been saying it for a while now.
I missed the part where he bragged about being a top 5 player.
Wow. What a little strumpet! Golf is a very humbling game and it will come back to bite him far more many times that he thinks. Can't wait for that.
Right now it's getting him recognized and talked about and on the tour that means $$$.
And that's absolutely fine for an amateur but not for a guy who brags about being one of the top 5 players in the my opinion. It just looks bad.
Maybe it will get him laid too...
What's funny is they had already quoted him saying that during play. Then, he goes straight into a repeat quote. I wonder if he would have been asked about the earlier quote if had offered it up on his own. It almost sounded scripted. (and kind of awkward).[/QUOTE]
I thought so too.
No big problem with him playing it as a 3 shot hole. The strategy made him look scared to death as did the execution of most of the shots, especially a 90 yard wedge he left 30' short. That was especially weak. Hell that's weak for me and I'm a 13.... but I've never had $1.5 million riding on one.
I guess what bothers me is that it didn't look professional. Hell, I could have done what he did and made bogey. Two sixes and a wedge and two putts? I think I could do it just about every time on that hole.
Problem is, NO WAY you could do what he did for the first 71 holes. Hard to be an armchair qb for that reason alone.
Ain't that the truth! But I am top 5 in the world at armchair quarterbacking.
This isn't necessarily related to Patrick Reed, but I got to thinking about young players that have fallen off of the map....
Anthony Kim. I know he was injured and has a major medical extension waiting for him, but by all accounts he should be back by now. Can't find anything out there on him and his current whereabouts. Interesting.