simpobissible=making the simple into impossible
Me, Myself and Irene is hillarious

Me, Myself and Irene is hillarious
It's goddamm bedlam in here, T-Bone.
Yeah, see, now you're getting it. I completely agree with you on this. NY's hissy fit over Katrina was a fucking joke.
Every time there is a tragedy, Blade breaks out his calculator to add up the total damage to determine whether he should give a shit or not.
We get it.
we however, don't care....and really nothing else needs to be's exactly what pickles said and what I was alluding too...
If you were sick of it 5 minutes into it...why did you waste so much time discussing it? Why are you still discussing it...and you can say that you're just joining in here..but YOU brought this up....not us...
Cowboy, here is your new avatar... Please update asap.
no, but maybe they just wanted to kill people?
We immediately knew the motives behind 911 and OKC.
All we know about this is that one was a boxer, one wrestled and they were from another country.
Pickles didnt say political. Go back and read. These guys just hated everybody, I'm sure some general from the mother land got in their heads. But relgious? Ummm no.
yeah i am beginning to see that.......but that is message board life with hot topics that everyone has opinions on
Not really. I only worry about how it will affect Seattle's economy. Katrina raised everyone's homeowner's insurance. 9/11 raised the unemployment rate in every major metropolitan area that caters to the air travel industry, Seattle included. But Boston's little tussle with a couple of amateur immature punks won't hurt anything here just like that pussy little Cat One hurricane in NY didn't.
Yeah Adam Sandler fan
Pickles didnt say political. Go back and read. These guys just hated everybody, I'm sure some general from the mother land got in their heads. But relgious? Ummm no.
You better come better than that dude. Sports. Mr I am leaving this board cause everyone are meanies.
Pickles didnt say political. Go back and read. These guys just hated everybody, I'm sure some general from the mother land got in their heads. But relgious? Ummm no.
It actually is a good comparison. New York went out of their way to make sure THEIR disaster was called SUPERSTORM (WTF is a superstorm??) Sandy, because when tragedy strikes New York it is that much greater/more important than tragedy elsewhere. Right?
<----- glad that LA doesnt get hit by terrorists or superstorms/hurricanes.....