A useful idiot.
We're two pages in...is anyone from the "other" Washington actually going to post?
I've skied at Mt. Washington several times...Close enough?
We're two pages in...is anyone from the "other" Washington actually going to post?
Sorry, I was busy getting my birkinstocks shined up for the big day.
I'm ready now. Thank jebus that starbucks has carafes of americano to go!
Skins need to play press man with Wilson and Hall. They are better at that. Sneak a safety to D Lo's side to let him hawk a bit. Cedric Griffin should work in at nickle a lot as well and I would like to see the skins run a lot of nickle with Doughty playing as an up rover to the boundary side to clean up tackles on Lynch.
3-3.5-5.5 setup basically.
and you can suck my burgundy and gold dick!!!!!
Not really. It's not you. You are a good looking dude, I am just into the ladies.
I'm only a football fan and all but I will tell you what, in today's NFL if I had a corner over 6 foot. 200 or so that could run, he would take half of my snaps at linebacker.
Edit: or safety
Somebody to cover Gronkowski, etc., todays crop of TE's