my hatred for MY team clouds my judgement
In Victoria the tennis courts across the street from me have been locked.I'm in a semi-rural area here on the island, so they haven't locked the gates as of yet.
In Victoria the tennis courts across the street from me have been locked.I'm in a semi-rural area here on the island, so they haven't locked the gates as of yet.
In Victoria the tennis courts across the street from me have been locked.
I'm in a semi-rural area here on the island, so they haven't locked the gates as of yet.
Rabble-rousersBunch of hooligans live in that town.
Bunch of hooligans live in that town.
The locks are to keep the pickle ball players out. No good seniors the lot of them.
They must be from Lethbridge or have ties to Lethbridge.Ugh part 2
I don't think that's a huge surprise, she had already been charged with indignity to a human body in the case.
Bunch of hooligans live in that town.
My wife would call the cops. Narc...All kidding aside. They closed the View Royal Bike park....
Not that it stopped people from breaking in and using it.