Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy bacon
It's a shame your seventh job was eliminated when the a certain sea-farer was laid off, you know, being our liaison to him.[/SPOILER]
That matter is still under arrrrrrrrrrrrrr-bitration.
It's a shame your seventh job was eliminated when the a certain sea-farer was laid off, you know, being our liaison to him.[/SPOILER]
Oh man, you actually do have six jobs around here.
It's a shame your seventh job was eliminated when the a certain sea-farer was laid off, you know, being our liaison to him.
Trend expert
Anti-fighting advocate
Banner production
Stooge for bald/lawyer jokes
Taking Cheap Shots at Pittsburgh Residents
General Buffoonery?
What about Cuck? Libtard? Snowflake? Beta male?
He might be busier than we thought!! Especially when you have to automatically deduct 2 hours a day for jerkin the gherkin and another hour for HR/quiet time.
Taking Cheap Shots at Pittsburgh Residents