Well, fuck it
I liked Upton-ing better
Look alive, folks. You've just stepped into the Trend Zone!
Beezin' is out. That is SO last season at this point. Really trendy and popular kids are doing:
This is basically, well... ok, it's just lighting yourself on fire.
CAUTION: Lighting yourself on fire can come with certain health risks including loss of appetite.
Legal considerations aside - it's a blast! Plus, its a GREAT way to get rid of unwanted excess body hair.
Since trends tend to run opposite in the next cycle, don't be surprised if drown-ing makes a big "splash" this fall, but for now - FIRE is the way to stay hip and trendy with your friends. Here's a great instructional video for those of you who enjoy being in style:
Wee-oh wee-oh wee-oh wee-oh wee-oh wee-oh....Boooooooooooooooooo-up booooooooooooooooo-up... Doooo-dee doooo-dee doooo-dee doooo-dee... honk honk honk honk honk honk honk
Trend expert E. Loco here with an update - Beezin' is taking off!!
Look alive, folks. You've just stepped into the Trend Zone!
Beezin' is out. That is SO last season at this point. Really trendy and popular kids are doing:
This is basically, well... ok, it's just lighting yourself on fire.
CAUTION: Lighting yourself on fire can come with certain health risks including loss of appetite.
Legal considerations aside - it's a blast! Plus, its a GREAT way to get rid of unwanted excess body hair.
Since trends tend to run opposite in the next cycle, don't be surprised if drown-ing makes a big "splash" this fall, but for now - FIRE is the way to stay hip and trendy with your friends. Here's a great instructional video for those of you who enjoy being in style:
It's just mind-bottling that you made a mistake like that.
I sadly have to say the presence of mine to still pull off the backflip is pretty impressive.
It's just mind-bottling that you made a mistake like that.
Damn auto-correct?
That's an expression and I'd think someone from mining country would know what it is?
Freudian commentary about the ultimate deadly fate of those playing the fire game and working in a mine?
I just suck at speelling things?
...which had me believing that the flamer in the gif was actually you, ELOCO!!!
It's also actually a front flip but we'll blame that on auto-correct, won't we?
Hey, hey, hey... I get called gay enough on the politics board as it is.
LOL! What is this? Fucking Highlights magazine?!? Mind your business people - nothing to see here!
Baking Soda and vinegar challenge.