10 minutes? People are slackingWhen will people learn not to ask the Internet for things?
There's a company around here that gives out branded pens. They drop boxes of them off at restaurants and such. So someone hit on the great idea to put out a twitter hashtag thing for people to post the most unusual place they've seen one of the pens. Yeah, it went about as well as you'd expect. Within the first ten minutes, there was a photo of one in someone's rectum.
What's your point? Seems pretty ballsy.When will people learn not to ask the Internet for things?
There's a company around here that gives out branded pens. They drop boxes of them off at restaurants and such. So someone hit on the great idea to put out a twitter hashtag thing for people to post the most unusual place they've seen one of the pens. Yeah, it went about as well as you'd expect. Within the first ten minutes, there was a photo of one in someone's rectum.
How you like to be Rear Admiral serving on the HMS Snork McGigglepants?