I'm So High Right Now

One of my favorite videos, one long shot:
Plus heres footage of the very low tech way they did it:
Apologies if I posted before, cleaning out some firefox folders and I saw this
Joey: "take it Dee Dee..."
Hey! Ho! Let's Potato!
Hey! Ho! Let's Potato!
Sheena is, Au Gratin
Sheeena is, auuu gratin
Pretty good. I didn't even notice the first change, I was all "Oh, they've got a chick drummer, didn't know that. Looks just like the lead, wonder if they're sisters."
Sheena is, Au Gratin
Sheeena is, auuu gratin
That's kind of cheesy.
this made me laugh so freaking hard, and I don't know why
Nothing says "tough" like beating a woman and then deleting your Twitter account when someone gives you shit over it.
Yet the guy continues to make hit records (i.e. the public continues to buy and listen to his music).