Stance: Goofy

I find it neat when someone who doesn't quite get what it is I do around here tries to strongarm me into doing what they want.
My favorite part is watching the life leave their eyes when the highest executive in their business unit tells them not to challenge me ever again.
A guy's laptop is being investigated and he wants it back, so he threatened to "go above my head" and that I would be "sorry". I felt like the president. "Please Proceed"
For fucks sake, I needed my laptop back for my fantasy football draft. You didn't have to be such a dick about it.
43 - saw this and thought of you. If you haven't seen it, it's pretty sick. Having been the victim of a few "feet still in pedals" crashes myself, it makes me cringe at times.
I don't know if they've yet found Schroedinger's Cat, but it looks like we've found Sisyphus' cat.
Japan's Levitating Train Hits 310 MPH in Trials | Autopia |
Neat. Wish we had toys like this. I could get to Chicago in 2 and a half hours. DC in one and a half.
People keep talking about a bullet train between SoCal and Vegas, but it never gets past the discussion stage.
Apparently there will be a bullet train from SF to LA. Two hours, I think?
Some day...
I'm sure this guy was drinking for free for an evening or two after this