Gosh I hate that silly thing. Breakdown:
1. It's a MERCEDES. You're spending money from the CHURCH ON A MERCEDES
2. He's no better than any other man on this earth in the eyes of God. So he can stop acting like it.
3. He's not God. Treat him like a human people.
There's more, but I'll reign it in. In essence: the Catholic church tends to ignore the whole "no other Gods before me/no idols" thing *coughMARYcough*
The Catholic Church describes Mary as a person to look up to and revere, an example of how we are supposed to conduct ourselves as Catholics.
I was specifically taught to never worship Mary, only to respect and revere her. And we are not to pray to Mary, but to ask Mary to be our conduit to offer our prayers to God.
That we worship Mary as a god is a misconception.
That said, the Catholic Church irks me quite a bit, as a Catholic, for the unnecessary internal inconsistencies it creates and perpetuates.