ND 14 UM 45
People who beat me to the 100th post in a thread.

People who beat me to the 100th post in a thread.
Actually, you know what? Microwaving curry dishes in the breakroom. That bugs me. That shit stinks. GO OUTSIDE AND DO THAT! I DON'T WANT TO SMELL COW ANUS THE REST OF THE DAY!
To sum up the thread:
Those who push crosswalk buttons and then don't wait
Take the whole escalator lane up with their weight
People who use the turn lane to make cuts
These are the things that drive us fucking nuts
DEATHsonic speakers that blast Gangnam Style
Digging for change in the express lane aisle
Drivers who try to stuff cars up our butts
These are the things that drive us fucking nuts
Folks who don't pick up their cell phones when they're called
Hockey announcers (read: jerk Paul Steigerwald)
Drug ads that warn they will rip out our guts
These are the things that drive us fucking nuts
EBT cards
For pricey things
Drivers who are bad
I simply remember these annoying things
And then I just feel
I can't stand people who park in the fire lanes at the grocery store, mall, etc.
I don't like when people park in an illegal spot or fire lane, in front of a shop or restaurant in order to avoid parking in an actual spot 20 feet away. If I ever get hit while maneuvering around them I will get them too.
I hate society in general. Everybody should have to pass a test in common sense and courtesy every morning when they wake up. If you fail, instant execution.
The world would be a much better place.
I really hate it when people don't read the entire thread before posting and who end up posting what was there before.
Going back to what I missed while I was gone...Where I live there's no chance I'll ever be in the only car on the road. In California you do actually have to think ahead if you're on the freeway. You might not be able to get over which means you could miss your turnoff.
Going back to what I missed while I was gone...
That falls under the stipulations I mentioned - "I don't tailgate" and "if you can get over".
Basically what I'm saying, is I hate people who clusterfuck for the sake of clusterfucking. That includes people driving/walking/escalating/crosswalking/jaywalking/express-laning/cellphoning/uselessmeeting/
The guy that tattooed "First!" on a very personal area of my wife's body.