The traffic guidines indicate the left lane as the passing lane, so if you are not passin someone you should stay to the right.
Agreed on left lane loiterers.
Going with the health care product commercials......
Can't stand that 25 of the 30 seconds of a commercial are for all that can go wrong.
You mean, pass you illegally on the right? and be forced to cut someone off on the right so I can weave around you?
I hate people that drift into my lane while talking on a cell phone. Esp driving big rigs. If you travel you see this a lot.
People that leave the ice cube trays empty.
People that put the TP on the roll going down the back instead of the front.
Old ladies that need the exact amount at the checkout before opening their purse and fumbling through it for five minutes getting the exact amount.
Me neither, I hate that too. I will straddle both lanes to force the cutters to go around me on the shoulder if they are so hell-bent.Even though it's what you're supposed to do:
When there's a merge point for construction and people drive all the way to the point cutting off 50 cars. I just hate that. No, I don't let that person in.
People in the express lane at the grocery store who just stand there oblivious while they are being rung up, and then when asked to pay, finally go digging in their purse for their checkbook that still needs to be completely filled out, or loose change.
Why should I pull over? You can change lanes just as easy as I can.
Agreed, but if you are the only car in the left lane and you aren't moving any faster than the right lane and have space to get over, then do it. Most left lane loiterers do it because, ooh, they will need to make a left turn a mile ahead.What? I don't know anything about how they drive where you live, but where I live people pass others in the slow lane all the time. It's all about whichever lane is moving faster. If you don't leave immediately at a stop light people honk at you. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere in California.
I will sometimes forget, but as soon as it rings I'm on it and embarrassed.People that will not turn off their cell phones in the doctors office like the sign say's. I will no doubt see this in a while as I have an appointment today.
I am NOT interested listening to people asking others if the dog took a shit while waiting to see my doc.