Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Id like to slap her ass personally 

saddest part is was just over an hour ago. they are an internet feed you would think they would look out the window. fuck me they are going to get hammered for this
They just tweeted this one minute ago...
@celebboutique We are incredibly sorry for our tweet about Aurora - Our PR is NOT US based and had not checked the reason for the trend, at that time our
I call bullshit! Can someone with Twitter respond to that with "bullshit?"
@celebboutique: #Aurora is trending, clearly about our Kim K inspired #Aurora dress ; )
Three reasons this was not accidental...
(1) Why would you write "clearly" if you didn't know anything else was going on? You would post something entierly different like "Aurora is trending - glad so many people are liking our Aurora dress line"
(2) Why would you add a wink if it was a factual post, and not a joke?
(3) We are supposed to believe they were unaware of it - the department most dialed in to "what is going on"
Gimme a break. Apologize, don't make it worse with fucking lies.
I think its a case of writing "clearly" when they knew there must be something else going on BUT ...
are trying to make a funny ha-ha to link it to the product they are selling AND ...
theyre too current events ignorant (or self-centric) to even look up what actually is going on
aka dumb broads
Haha pretty much. Eloco is giving them way too much credit. I go with them being idiots.
Haha pretty much. Eloco is giving them way too much credit. I go with them being idiots.
just read about this new AMC Theatres policy regarding disallowing moviegoers from wearing costumes starting today
did the killer slip in without questions asked because he was dressed as the joker ... carrying firearms?
Is this going to lead to some unqualified goon patting me down everytime I go to the movies like they do at sporting events?
just read about this new AMC Theatres policy regarding disallowing moviegoers from wearing costumes starting today
did the killer slip in without questions asked because he was dressed as the joker ... carrying firearms?