My head hurts now.
How ya been, Chris?
I tried returning to rugby practice today, but the warm ups sent me into a coughing fit, so I stopped. I did a couple running-light defensive and rucking drills, so I'm at least getting back into the swing of things. I really want to play on Sunday because we're playing our toughest opponent, and we're going to need a full, healthy squad if we want to beat them. Right now, though, we've got a starter with a hugely swollen knee, another starter (me) with a mass of mucus in his chest that's making it hard for him to breathe while playing, another starter with a groin injury, and a fourth with a quad injury.
I'm also just about caught up in class. I'll get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight and tomorrow I should be able to get totally caught up and maybe even finish cleaning my room.
So all-in-all I've been well, but I've also been better.
How are you, BriaNasty?