Bossman you'll be missed

Went to a neighbors house who has MLB Network to watch the game...
Sorry, I meant neighbours house...
Went to a neighbors house who has MLB Network to watch the game...
Sorry, I meant neighbours house...
Huge uphill battle for Oakland now. A's must win both games at home and THEN beat Verlander in Detroit. OUCH.
Had the A's won this game, I honestly thought the series would go 5 games.
Next three (or less) are all in Oakland.
My bad.
It used to be 2-2-1, no?
Listening to the post game show online. Tigers fans are whiny babies. Not one person calling in seems to have anything positive to say. Instead they all complaining about this or that. Jeebus.
Correct me if I'm wrong but we just did win 2 fucking games in the ALDS and are 1 game away from the ALCS.
My bad.
It used to be 2-2-1, no?
Tigers are not a good road team.
For those asking: For this year only, lower seeded teams opening at home. Idea is remove one of two off-days in DS to compress schedule.
I'm at a Round Table Pizza at 2 in the afternoon and I'm pretty sure there is a prostitute in here cruising the booths...
That was a great win.