Mr. Knowitall
though I am not really bored. My heart rate is still skyrocketed.
First of's not expensive.
Second of all, what do you mean by my climate? Do you think it's hot here? It's not. It rarely gets "hot" in San Francisco. And it's not cold either. Well, it's cold to me but not cold for most people.
with decent guitars, ukes, etc. You don't want to keep them in the trunk for extended periods. it's not the heat (or cold) itself, its the change in temperature that will cause the wood to expand / contract. and sometimes the neck especially doesn't come back to normal.
jeff... send me the tune, I'm curious.
Well, bed time. Happy Easter to those who celebrate it! Later all!
The chords I am using are a real pain in the ass as well. I initially wrote it to just use one guitar. So the voicings on the chords make it a pain in the ass, I tried to make it sound like 2 guitars were playing at once.
Thanks man, I'd love to hear some stuff from other musicians on here if you guys have anything recorded. I have much better stuff, just not recorded.