Scotchy Scotch Scotch!
This is so hilarious (at least to me) that I had to share. So last night I was lying in bed reading the latest Ted Bell book (not bad, BTW), and Sara, Rosie and Luke were all passes completely out. I had a bit of insomnia because I had fallen asleep earlier in the evening. Well Rosie sleeps in bed with us, but Luke sleeps on his bed next to the closet. Well I heat this rapid tapping and look over to see Luke (still 100% passed out) and his tail is wagging like crazy. I lean over and wake up Sara quietly to show her and we are just cracking up. All of the sudden.....he farts, and wags a bunch more and then wakes up.
I don't know what that dream was all about, but man I bet it was good!
Off for a cold shower........
Justice for Bubba
Bubba LOVED the hour long car ride he just got to go on!!!
Not the greatest pic but here's my babies just over 6 months old. As you can see, the boys are quite a bit bigger than Mocha.
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Cute... and now I want to know what's going on down the street!
I know I usually wait on the bathroom toilet at a restaurant for my friends to arrive.