I like how you choose the screen name of a well-known illiterate. Now that's irony.
Dispute it with facts and sources. Go ahead. I'll wait.
I don't care being called names. Uncle Ted? I can handle it.
Hey I am on your side, you are schooling them all. Especially when you tell them how smart you are and how sucessful, thats making them look so foolish! Who would have known when that day started that by the end of it I would have a new best friend!
I was serious in my last post, that picture is obviously from a free thinker. Duh, its from a site called "myfreedomofthoughtblog".
Must be difficult to be the only smart guy on the whole board.
And I'm pretty sure I pegged forty three the first time around, jelly Blue Jackets fan. His bitching probably has nothing to do with politics at all. My bad for believing him.
Still waiting on those stats Forty three. tick tock
I know Uncle Ted, and you RobBase, sir, are no Uncle Ted.
Just want to apologize. My own fault for coming into the thread. I don't expect outsiders to fully understand why or how my city got fucked up and I'm dumb thinking I could teach it over a message board. Sorry I freaked out on you guys. Go Wings.
Just a friendly tip, when there is someone who is genuinely interested in hearing your, and anyone's, opinions in an effort to better understand a situation they aren't intimately acquainted with... might be better to just try and answer their questions rather than fly off the handle and try to shoehorn them into your petty paranoias and prejudices before knowing ANYTHING about them. You will be surprised to find that they often listen. And even more surprised to find out how wrong you are about them as well.
Apology accepted.
Folks, please refrain from personal attacks and name-calling. Thanks.
Damn it, I always miss the good stuff. I really have to stop working late, it is starting to affect my message board life.
I will not because you are a piece of crap. A piece of crap.
I find you extremely ugly.
You emit a foul and unpleasant odour.
I loathe you!!
And all because you want them to fix the saddledome!! And let's not forget that time you voted for the The Rent is Too Damn High Party (TRTDHP)!! You savage, degenerate grade 4 student!! I will not give you money to buy swizel sticks OR Bazooka gum!!
/satire of moron
//seriously this is the end of the satire; I didn't just call that putz a moron