Out of Work Superhero
psst 2 up
I've been beaten again!
97 days until Man of Steel's released. It's kind of a big deal to me.
psst 2 up
I've been beaten again!
97 days until Man of Steel's released. It's kind of a big deal to me.
im really looking forward to it.
I'm a big Zach Snyder fan, so him taking on my favorite slightly fictional character triggered a nerdgasm. The idea of that Superman being paired with Nolan's Batman made me do it again.
I was pretty stoked for Batman Begins but this has me more tingly. Superman has not had justice done to him on film since..... actually Im not sure he ever has. Even the Donner films while they had their moments just didnt hit me. This one looks like it does have it. To put them both in Justice League would be amazing (DC came to its senses to use the big name actors like Marvel did for Avengers) Im more excited for Justice League than I was for The AVengers.
I just wish they would make my favourite... Daredevil, They have never made a Daredevil movie. They need to
You don't count this? Daredevil (2003) - IMDb
I'm actually a pretty big fan of that, even though a lot didn't like it.
good day sir.
the only thing decent out of that was Bullseye. Everything else was utter shite
Haha! I'm a sucker for all of them. I'd love to see Daredevil included in the same universe as Spider-man. They share enough villains...
They were close to actually rebooting it but it got dropped because of the success of the Avengers (daredevil did some time with the Avengers) and the emergence of how popular the Incredible Hulk became from it. Funny thing is even though Daredevil was pretty bad it still made over $200M not bad cake for a badly directed/written story.
good day sir.
the only thing decent out of that was Bullseye. Everything else was utter shite
You didn't really just write that, did you? Every time Colin Farrell opened his mouth in that movie it made me cringe. I thought Ben Affleck looked like an Oscar winner next to CF.
The only redeeming value I saw in that movie was that Jennifer Garner looked awesome in her Elektra costume.
i was stretching. Elektra was terrible. I was trying to find something. I Cant even talk about the Kingpin. I love Michael Clarke Duncan but it just didnt work at all. John Ryes Davies was a way better Kingpin in a special of the Lou Ferigno Incredible Hulk that introduced Daredevil (filmed in Vancouver to see if Daredevil would get picked up as a TV show, it did not) Affleck looked dopey and sleepy through the whole thing. Let me then say I guess the only good thing was Foggy oh god the whole thing was awful.
Yeah, I can get behind that.
And to clarify my point: Elektra was terrible. But she looked good.
And I forgot all about that old Incredible Hulk special. Yeah, that was definitely better than Daredevil.
If you don't like my movie then I have two strong words for you: Come on.. Come on.
My biggest issue with it was actually the wire work. It was done well, but wires for a superhero movie? It's out of place. I actually liked Affleck as DD.. at least as Matt. Favreau and Kingsley were great.
In all fairness, those actors did what they could with the direction. It was meant to have a slight campiness to it. A great example would be MCD's Kingpin not being given any backstory outside of being the top mob boss.
Yes he was ok as Matt.
You have to respect anyone that can nail Jennifer Garner on and off the screen.
and still be married to her .