A useful idiot.
I'm disgusted that she got away with it and that common sense is many times left behind because of the system, but that's just the way it is.
I'm not. I'm sad for the little girl. But when someone's very life or freedom is on the line, I think the standard should be a high one. All justice systems have flaws - it's simply a matter of which side you want to stray on. Some days I don't like ours as much as others, some days I think it's better. Especially when you hear about situations like the one involving Amanda Knox in Italy.
If you've ever been on a jury, you know that holding someone's freedom in your hands is not something taken lightly. I was on one where it was obvious the guy was guilty and we found him such, but even afterwards, I had doubts from time-to-time. I feel really bad for the jury members on this case. I'm sure it will haunt them for some time to come.
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