What the fuck is wrong with this idiot
Both Mirtle and Simmons show up on TSN radio frequently. Maybe TSN will finally drop SS. This was incredibly stupid.
How he survived making up a hot dog addiction for one of the best goal scorers in the league is beyond me. Never thought he’d survive another five years after that.He basically fired at the messenger and missed by a country mile.
Arthur’s another twit. Matthews doesn’t owe you or anybody else shit regarding this. He said what he wanted to say and moved on.
There’s a pretty obvious problem with this argument though...
There’s a pretty obvious problem with this argument though...
Matthews is American. The rules apply to him. Simmons broke the law.
zeke elliott tweeted HIPAA! when he was outed ... auston matthews should tweet PIPEDA!
Those laws don’t cross borders.Matthews is American. The rules apply to him. Simmons broke the law.
Totally, and seeing the Jets/Flames on TV I thought it was a re-broadcast.Definitely weird listening to caps lightning game at 4:30pm at my desk at work on 8/3.
I haven't been able to watch.Definitely weird listening to caps lightning game at 4:30pm at my desk at work on 8/3.
Rednecks are red-faced.Other day:
Since: Lots of people blabbing about how Reaves "Gets it" and is the kind of flag respecting role model we need in all sports. blah blah blah. Media jumped on it without really getting what he was saying. Rednecks had found their "black guy" albeit in a sport they'd never watched.