Bloody Brian Burke
#1 CFL Fan!
Don't head-hunting hits usually involve the player's feet leaving the ice? This would indicate the intent wasn't to make contact with his head.Everyone focusing on blindside ... why?
Don't head-hunting hits usually involve the player's feet leaving the ice? This would indicate the intent wasn't to make contact with his head.Everyone focusing on blindside ... why?
Don't head-hunting hits usually involve the player's feet leaving the ice? This would indicate the intent wasn't to make contact with his head.
Don't head-hunting hits usually involve the player's feet leaving the ice? This would indicate the intent wasn't to make contact with his head.
Lmao what does it lift, an inch? C'mon.His feet leave the ice
His right skate is coming up before contact
Here's Geno last playoffs jumping half a foot to nail Winnik in the head. No call, no supplemental discipline:In an explanatory video released by Brendan Shanahan, the NHL's senior vice-president of player safety, he said Stoll's head was "the principal point of contact" in the hit, creating grounds for suspension. Although Torres initially made contact with Stoll's right shoulder, Shanahan ruled that the shoulder hit was only a glancing blow, as evidenced by the direction both players travelled after the contact.
Sharks' Raffi Torres suspended for rest of series against Kings for hit to head
By the position of Sedin's head to Kadri's body, it looks like that freeze was taken after the pic jstew posted. That would indicate that if he is indeed off the ice at this moment his skates lifted after primary contact had been made no?He did leave the ice.
If the point is to show that the league is inconsistent with its punishment, there will be 100 pages of examples on this thread shortly.
It's not a good hit, not much else to say, but if punishment is determined by slowing the play down to a crawl and examining it millisecond by millisecond it was always going to look less dirty than it does at full force.
No argument, but if there isn't any still or motion footage clearly showing the head as the PPOC what rule are you suspending him on?No argument here.
It just seems so hypocritical though, no coach or GM wants to see their best player on their team take a hit like that and we hear it all the time that we need to get hits like that out of the game, but then there's no punishment.
By the position of Sedin's head to Kadri's body, it looks like that freeze was taken after the pic jstew posted. That would indicate that if he is indeed off the ice at this moment his skates lifted after primary contact had been made no?
Moment of contact, the reverse of the photo you put up:Yup his foot is coming up before the hit and both feet are up after contact. He jumped into it
Moment of contact, the reverse of the photo you put up:
Those skates are on the ice.
Well, good argument. Is what it is at this pointThey dont look like theyre on the ice to me
Back of both skate blades angled up
If Burrows can spear 22 year old Morgan Rielly and then chase after him off the draw to fight, and if Dorsett can pass on fighting Martin only to go after Komarov I really don't want to hear that what Martin did was horseshit. Reap what you sow.Utter horseshit play by Martin.... but just who exactly is going to 'kill' him
Gubberson is big, can fight OK. Tryamkin is huge, not sure if he can fight
Dorsett will fight, but is overmatched.
Do they even have an Oglethorpe do bring in? I don't think so
If Burrows can spear 22 year old Morgan Rielly and then chase after him off the draw to fight, and if Dorsett can pass on fighting Martin only to go after Komarov I really don't want to hear that what Martin did was horseshit. Reap what you sow.
Naz came across wanting to demolish Sedin, and Sedin was never going to see it coming. I don't like that, but nothing about it is illegal. For people clamouring for a suspension, I just can't understand what violation he would be suspended under. You can't just suspend a guy because he's a multiple-time offender and made a hit you don't like.And Kadri. Meh. I could go either way on the suspension. Real time, I thought he hit him in the back/shoulder and just ran him over, so a good hockey play. From different angles, I see the differences.
What I do not understand is the idea that you cannot check from behind. Referring to the Kekelainen proposal. Where did that come from?
To recap, you cant:
Check a player into the boards unless they have their back to the boards and they see you coming a mile off
Check a player from the neck up
Check a player below the waist
Point of contact must be the torso
Better yet, no secondary point of contact
- Secondary point of contact better not be any of the above mentioned areas, if the player you hit is a "star". Guys like Winnik? Who cares, do whatcha want.
Make sure your arm is locked into your own torso (else it is an elbow, and therefore a head shot)
Keep your arm there regardless
Stay on your skates the whole time. If you lose your balance during the contact, your skates may come off the ice, and then you "jumped"
Make sure you are within 1 inch in height of the other player, or else you are bound to violate one of the above