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One SB and now maybe Two


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Apr 18, 2013
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I said after the first one here maybe i will search for the link but anyhow that we would be going back.

But the main reason for this post is that my father finally saw the Hawks win one and he is 82 and to see the Hawks win another would be just grand.

Also my oldest brother had a stroke and heart attack about six years ago and his health hes been getting worse and i know he will not be around ten at best fifteen years from now.

Being a Hawk fan has it's ups and downs like many fans of other teams i bet,but make no mistake if we do not win this one i have a good feeling we will be back to the SB a few more times with the Russel Wilson tenure,do not be surprised if we do not go back next or at the very least take the NFC title again.

The Hawks have done what we expected them to do this year and then some with that epic game against GB,that one will go to the history books for sure,from here on out it is gravy imo.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I site I looked at 2 days ago has Seattle as the best odds to make next years SB at 13/2.


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Jul 16, 2013
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I don't view this as gravy. They're defending champs and have the better team. This is the weakest defense we've faced in a while and I think they're going to have problems containing Wilson. GB had a ton of speed in Peppers and Matthews that matched up really well against Wilson's game. The Pats don't have it. And they play that underneath game which also plays into our defenses hands. They might chew a little clock but Kam's going to make them pay and we'll be seeing some alligator arms at the end of the game.


Apr 5, 2011
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Double, I hope that your father and brother will see the Seahawks win their second in a row.

My father, a Steelers fan since the team was founded, lived long enough to see them win their 5th Lombardi...but not their 6th...so I know where you are coming from.

Besides, yours is an honorable team...as opposed to the Cheatriots...or Traitriots...or whatever. Crush them.


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Jul 2, 2013
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I don't view this as gravy. They're defending champs and have the better team. This is the weakest defense we've faced in a while and I think they're going to have problems containing Wilson. GB had a ton of speed in Peppers and Matthews that matched up really well against Wilson's game. The Pats don't have it. And they play that underneath game which also plays into our defenses hands. They might chew a little clock but Kam's going to make them pay and we'll be seeing some alligator arms at the end of the game.

I disagree with this. Pats have a very good defense. They are far from "the weakest defense we've faced in a while.

You can maybe make the argument that GB has a defense on par with New England, but Carolina isn't that good. Dont buy into the Carolina hype. They beat up a bunch of weak teams to end their year and all of a sudden everyone was like watch out for these Panthers. Then we crushed them with one hand behind our back.

Pats D is good man, don't underestimate them. Belichek is a mastermind and he has some talented players to work with. Their secondary is much improved since we last faced them in 2012.


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Jul 16, 2013
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I disagree with this. Pats have a very good defense. They are far from "the weakest defense we've faced in a while.

You can maybe make the argument that GB has a defense on par with New England, but Carolina isn't that good. Dont buy into the Carolina hype. They beat up a bunch of weak teams to end their year and all of a sudden everyone was like watch out for these Panthers. Then we crushed them with one hand behind our back.

Pats D is good man, don't underestimate them. Belichek is a mastermind and he has some talented players to work with. Their secondary is much improved since we last faced them in 2012.

I'm not saying that they're not good. I'm saying that Carolina has a better pass rush and GB matches up good against Wilson because Peppers and Matthews can fly. I don't see them being able to contain Wilson in this game. Revis isn't what he used to be and Browner doesn't have ET or Kam to make him look great. He's still ok but Maxwell is way better than he is (not that they match up). I think the offense is going to move the ball and Willson is going to bring his hands for a change and have a big game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Double, I hope that your father and brother will see the Seahawks win their second in a row.

My father, a Steelers fan since the team was founded, lived long enough to see them win their 5th Lombardi...but not their 6th...so I know where you are coming from.

Besides, yours is an honorable team...as opposed to the Cheatriots...or Traitriots...or whatever. Crush them.

Thank you,my dad took me to the the KingDome when i was a very young lad,also many Sonic games games and the Torchlight parade,but the Dome and the hawks in my youth always sticks out,so much fun.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
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I think Seattle's receivers are going to have a tough time.
I'm more worried about Wilson extending plays - that will not be good for NE.
New England will move the ball against you in the short passing game. Maybe we can even run a bit.
The real question is going to be can we sustain drives against your defense. Lot's of teams have tried!
We are going to have to play this game. Fan talk won't win it!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think Seattle's receivers are going to have a tough time.
I'm more worried about Wilson extending plays - that will not be good for NE.
New England will move the ball against you in the short passing game. Maybe we can even run a bit.
The real question is going to be can we sustain drives against your defense. Lot's of teams have tried!
We are going to have to play this game. Fan talk won't win it!

True. This should be a good match-up. Last years Seahawk team was better than this years. Harvin's a douche but he obviously can return kicks, Tate is gone, we have a hole at DT and we're a little thinner at DB (still the best in the league though), and I'm sure that roster-wise NE fans wouldn't put this one up there with some of their great teams. That's going to make the game really interesting. I don't care how good these teams are vs. previous years. 32 teams started this season dreaming and these are the two that are left. I have my opinions about the whole ball thing but that has absolutely nothing to do with the Seahawks and has zero impact on how they got there. If the Pats did get there because of the balls then it will show in this game. I'm not taking a shot at the Pats, I'm just saying if they do win then Seahawks fans shouldn't be pointing to that because by their own admission they were playing an inferior team vs. some of the other teams that were in the mix in the AFC.


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Jul 22, 2014
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I know one thing = this should be the most watched Super Bowl in the last decade (?).....esp. with all the great "publicity" my pats are dragging in,......and don't forget the cast of characters on both teams that will be talked about all week long....!


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Apr 22, 2013
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i think some of you should refrain from posting when you are drinking lol.


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Apr 23, 2013
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As I posted on the general board, I expect to be able to run the ball to the right, pass to TEs over the middle and throw deep to the left. I don't see them having an answer for the zone read. Gotta keep an eye on Ninkovich since he is their leading pressure guy.

On defense it will be bracketing Gronk and stopping the run as priorities. Brady's accuracy on balls deeper than 20 is down the last two seasons and they don't have much of a deep threat in the receiving corp anyways. This will help Kam and ET move up a bit in run support and help for CBs/LBs. Forcing 3rd and longs and incomplete passes on those downs will be key.


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Also, not that past games are predictive, but the Pats lost to two teams with good run games, good QBs who don't make mistakes and good pass defense. KC and GB. Our team is the best in two of those categories and we kind of like our QB.


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Apr 25, 2013
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am I wrong in kind of assuming that the patriots offense is very similar to the broncos offense last year? short passes to their small WRs, seem routes with their big TE, not much of a run game to fear, and a QB in decline. except the broncos have big WR Thomas, NE does not have anyone that compares.

I have no reason to believe our defense is going to suddenly crap the bed, especially after one of the all time great performances last week. Not to mention their track record of playing in prime time.

i dont think it will be 43-8, but I do feel like we win it pretty convincingly.


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I like the Seahawks chances, I think most of us do. Go Seahawks!


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They are similar and the exact kind of team our defense is built to beat. They are healthier than the Broncos were and we are less healthy than last SB. I think the improvements from Wags, Kam and Maxwell as well as the gritty play by Williams and Schofield/McD will be enough to make up for the injuries we have suffered.