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Officially torn ACL


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Jul 22, 2013
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After so many injuries you just have to wonder if the body just cant take the strain anymore. While I dont think he will be a superstar anymore, I think he will have a totally respectable career( ala Grant Hill or Penny Hardaway). Sorry for the bball references.
Those are some great examples and I already fill better on his outlook. Thanks for the positive examples this is hope for sure. :suds:


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Aug 19, 2013
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I Think i'm probably the biggest Dez Bryant fan but, im also worried we will break the bank for him and I don't really think he will remain healthy either. I'm not concerned about his character at all it's more how he plays the game. He plays with a lot of violence and put's his body on the line a lot.

Giving Dez a big contract will happen and won't be a bad decision. #1 WRs get big money. It's just the way it is in hte NFL. Dez is a top 5 WR in the league and will be paid as such. It's giving a guy like Miles or Mike Wallace huge contracts that kills a franchise, not a guy like Dez. Letting a guy like Dez go is what can kill a franchise unless you have another stud WR waiting in the wings behind him.


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Aug 19, 2013
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Typical Sean Lee. Already at practice helping Hitchens and the other LBs out.


Goodell is a polesmoker
Aug 3, 2013
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I will be honest and say I did not back the Lee or Carter picks. Now Lee is a hell of a player when he is not hurt. It would be cool if he progressed and was able to play the last two weeks. Now I am one of the few that liked the Murray pick. He played behind a shit OL his last few seasons in college and still scored a ton of touchdowns, I look for Murray to explode this season behind Frederick,Martin,Leary and Smith. Carter seems to lack the desire to improve


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Jul 15, 2013
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Typical Sean Lee. Already at practice helping Hitchens and the other LBs out.

Don't know how his career will end up but I honestly believe that Lee could become a great Coach when he hangs up the pads.

Wish him nothing but the best and a speedy recovery :suds:


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Jul 22, 2013
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Don't know how his career will end up but I honestly believe that Lee could become a great Coach when he hangs up the pads.

Wish him nothing but the best and a speedy recovery :suds:

I think he has head coach written all over him. Don't know if he has that interest some day but a leader in every way. Garrett could learn from this guy right now today


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Jul 18, 2013
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Seriously? you are going to draft day? No it wasn't the pick I wanted on draft day, where did I say otherwise. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about once he was playing for the Cowboys. Unlike some of you I don't make up my mind draft night and refuse to change it for 10 years. I've said since the first time he took the field he should never come off of it for the crap we were playing him behind. To be honest I don't really recall you backing Lee and thought you were saying last offseason you thought Carter was going to be better. You also just said in another thread like two days ago how a bunch of ILBs are better where I said none were, so I'll stick with my recollection on this one. But either way, I don't really give a shit. And Carter...I thought that pick sucked and so far he shouldn't even be on an NFL field other than about 4 games. Let's hope that one changes or we are really screwed goiing forward.

Not going to lie I have been waiting for this since late last night. Ding Ding Ding


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Aug 19, 2013
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Not going to lie I have been waiting for this since late last night. Ding Ding Ding

You lost me...
Was going back trying to remember who I did what in that draft spot and can't figure it out. I know a lot on ESPN wanted Ducasse or Mt Cody. I didn't want either, but don't remember who I did like.


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Aug 19, 2013
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Not going to lie I have been waiting for this since late last night. Ding Ding Ding

Never mind. I just got what you meant. I haven't done the back and forth fighting thing here for a couple of years so you are out of luck. I'll argue a point as much as anyone, but can't stand reading others doing that so I don't do it myself. Any way, kind of a BS post on your part if you ask me, but to each his own. I have no problem with Twist at all, I just don't get the accusations sometimes made on here. The board becomes more of a pissing match than a Cowboy board half the time.


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Jul 18, 2013
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No not meaning that . I was waiting for your response. I could care less who we all liked or didnt like the day they were drafted. When that draft took place I really didnt think anything of Sean Lee bad or good. What he did on the field made me like him after he was already a Cowboy. We can play our mock drafts all we want to but its not my job to scout all college players like it is some peoples. I tend to go with the scouts opinions and hope for the best. Sure there have been people I have wanted before. This yr I wanted Shazier. When we didnt get him - I wanted Lawrence and I will be the first to say I loved the pick. Heck one year we drafted an LSU KR/WR in the fourth that I loved. Im not sure he ever made the team. If Lawrence goes on and turns into the next 15 sack a yr guy , I will not be one to beat my chest and tell people I told you so.

With all that jibberish I just stated, I was waiting for your rebuttal for what you were called in question about. Very good response I might add.


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Jul 18, 2013
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Never mind. I just got what you meant. I haven't done the back and forth fighting thing here for a couple of years so you are out of luck. I'll argue a point as much as anyone, but can't stand reading others doing that so I don't do it myself. Any way, kind of a BS post on your part if you ask me, but to each his own. I have no problem with Twist at all, I just don't get the accusations sometimes made on here. The board becomes more of a pissing match than a Cowboy board half the time.

Bullshit post on my part. Why???


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Jul 18, 2013
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Because I wanted to see you stand by what you said my post is BS??????


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Aug 19, 2013
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Sorry, I misunderstood. I thought you were saying you were waiting to see Twist and I start arguing since last night. My bad if that isn't what you meant.


When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
Jul 3, 2013
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I don't know who backs Lee the most or who doesn't. Or who cant stand Lee or not, but I do know he is my favorite player on the Cowboys for the last couple years.
I would take 53 Sean Lee's on this team simply because of his attitude & Intelligence. His attitude alone can affect players around him in a good way even when he isn't playing.
As far as his intelligence I can totally see him becoming a coach right from being a player with no downtime in between.


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Jul 17, 2013
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I remember hating the Dez pick, but liked Lee. I wasn't shy about expressing my disappointment in the Dez pick, but didn't expess the love of the Lee pick in that manner. I do remember posting my negative opinion about Carter, mostly because I felt we hit on drafting an injured Lee, that we shouldn't press our luck. That and I didn't think he was even the best backer on the board.


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Jul 7, 2013
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Man it is so much bullshit to a forum

1 I type rude .... everyone says it .... if you have known me like some have for a decade ... it's just me .... I didnt take a class in how to type or talk football NICE

2 .. I got no issues with Jarntt .... Want none with him

3 this is the boring time of year ... which is the ONLY reason it clicked in my head what SOME of us thought about the Lee pick a few years ago

4. and this is a question..... When did everyone get so butt hurt all of a sudden?

Read where Nets was leaving? Cause I said something? His draft predictions ( from an inside source were wrong) His gonna fix the cap situations were wrong... ( Hell my SUGGESTIONS havent played out in the real world either) And no one is fighting with him .... That's not being pushed away thats being embarrassed by false statements ( inside sources) aint no one to blame for that shit but his own ego

Now hopefully we are done with bullshit til the season starts ...... not much to talk about til then


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Condolences to Cowboy fans. Sucks when a legit starter goes down before the season even starts.

Someone posted "Now the Cowboys have an excuse as to why the miss the playoffs" and I was like, "Wow, what an ***hole" lol.

Sean Lee is a solid player. Nobody wants to see teams play sub-full strength. I am not upset if it means my team beats them and gets to the big show, but still. Could just as easily be my favorite team getting those injuries.

Eh hopefully the Boys put it together. Hate the Skins and their arrogant fanbase, Giants have had their glory over the last decade. Eagles? Meh. Guess I put them in the same boat as the Boys. Either one or the other. Either way, here's to a speedy recovery Lee!


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Jul 18, 2013
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Man it is so much bullshit to a forum

1 I type rude .... everyone says it .... if you have known me like some have for a decade ... it's just me .... I didnt take a class in how to type or talk football NICE

2 .. I got no issues with Jarntt .... Want none with him

3 this is the boring time of year ... which is the ONLY reason it clicked in my head what SOME of us thought about the Lee pick a few years ago

4. and this is a question..... When did everyone get so butt hurt all of a sudden?

Read where Nets was leaving? Cause I said something? His draft predictions ( from an inside source were wrong) His gonna fix the cap situations were wrong... ( Hell my SUGGESTIONS havent played out in the real world either) And no one is fighting with him .... That's not being pushed away thats being embarrassed by false statements ( inside sources) aint no one to blame for that shit but his own ego

Now hopefully we are done with bullshit til the season starts ...... not much to talk about til then

So much bull shit to a forum?? I just wanted to see his reply thats all. This is a forum - which means a lot of things. People express their opinions. Some agree, some dont. I dont expect everyone to sing kumbaya on here. It would be pretty boring if everyone was in agreement about everything.


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Jul 7, 2013
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So much bull shit to a forum?? I just wanted to see his reply thats all. This is a forum - which means a lot of things. People express their opinions. Some agree, some dont. I dont expect everyone to sing kumbaya on here. It would be pretty boring if everyone was in agreement about everything.

+ 1

you dealt with us enough to know it's not rude ( most of us) is just who we are

No worries I didnt think you were starting shit ...... I was killing it when I saw it .... offseason ... I dont log in daily