Well-Known Member
NXT continues to be the best wrestling show on tv.
Lame as hell. Outside of Charlotte coming in the entire thing was a bunch of false finishes. I tried NXT, I tried.
That Lee/Dijovkic match was awesome....
And that was a kickoff match.
I hope yall are ready for Gargano's heel turn.
Prediction: Gargano gets revenge for Takeover Philly....
Turns HEEL!
I got it all covered....
That was a well-done heel turn. Like the exact opposite of that what-the-fuck finish to Tegan vs Dakota. That "And who the hell are you?" finish turned a nearly A match into almost a B minus alone.
Bianca going full Kanye!
"I'm going to let y'all finish..."
I am laughing too hard!
Now for Tampa....
I NEED (not want, need) Demon Balor to defeat Cole and cast the finishing blow that ends UE.
Lol @ ripley taking half an hour to get the ring at the end.
AEW is really whooping on them right now
Ya too bad she didn't have a skateboard that she could've held up on the stage showing everybody in existence for 5 minutes, that would've been totally the right thing to do.
Ya too bad she didn't have a skateboard that she could've held up on the stage showing everybody in existence for 5 minutes, that would've been totally the right thing to do.