The Q
Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
Not Wrestling Obsever. More specifically Bryan Alvarez. He shits on all things WWE. Which, as you know, includes NXT.
I still don't know where Meltzer stands in regards to WWE/NXT. As I mentioned before he's allegedly AEW's unpaid PR guy. So that would presume he's rabidly anti-WWE.
I saw what they said about omega in a fb group.
I disagree.
He took a buck shot and stomp package pile driver back to back. In a world where finishers are meaningless that’s a solid change.
He was then blindsided by 2 guys. When it evened up he was fine.
And then It was like 6 on 1 and they didn’t fight like retards like Corbin’s security on SD last week.
Plus they showed you how this group grew in all the videos.
People just want to complain. Dark order is awesome.