Our white dog crossed the rainbow bridge on Thursday night. She went in for emergency surgery and a giant tumor was discovered making the decision easy. I am comforted in the fact that this discovery saved her months of suffering as an owner never knows that their dog is in pain before it is so bad it's noticable.
Goodbye Molly. You were rescued a day before being put down 12 years ago, you were hit by a freight train and walked home, and you were almost lost when you bit the roofer. But sadly you were out of miracles.
She landed in a good spot for sure. She got plenty of love, a big property to romp and a companion to run with, and an owner who loved to grab a beer, his dogs and go for a walk in the woods. Rescues can he a handful but it was very satisfying giving her such a good life.
quick lets sign him for cheapWoah...
you lost me ....
you dont think they will keep the roll going ?
Because they ARE on a roll ... thats a FACT
you kids and your slang
you lost me ....
you dont think they will keep the roll going ?
Because they ARE on a roll ... thats a FACT
you lost me ....
you dont think they will keep the roll going ?
Because they ARE on a roll ... thats a FACT
So, since we're on the subject, any ideas about who they will add or that you hope they'll add for the second half of the season?