Well-Known Member
Both of you have shitty accents
It's gotten me laid in every city other than my own all my life
Including yours sweetheart
Both of you have shitty accents
It's gotten me laid in every city other than my own all my life
Including yours sweetheart
lakers fans are fags
People hate Boston fans because they think the world started in 2004
People hate NY fans for winning so much
Moving on
pick 5 major cities
go to a sporting event
ask them what fans suck the most
1st answer will be direct rivals
2nd answer, boston or NY
Both of you have shitty accents
People hate Boston fans because they think the world started in 2004
People hate NY fans for winning so much
Moving on
True. Boston fans talkative for a 5 year stretch
New Yorkers haven't shut up for 150
Ray Donovan
Great show about a Boston family
It's gotten me laid in every city other than my own all my life
Including yours sweetheart
my accent has gotten me laid out of state
even my wicked fake one i can put on if i want
at least once a day i get a girl from the midwest or france asking me to say "pahhk the cahhh"
then they send naked photos
did they have an article on ab crunches too?
if the pats ever won a superbowl after going say, 7-1 in an 8 game season
id have been fine with one next to the bruins cup if they won
A Championship is a Championship
Making distinctions between them starts a slippy slope. It all counts the same...end of story...
I am being threatened with another lawsuit and being "exposed to CNN" for "fostering bullying" because someone disagreed with a sports opinion of a particular poster. See all the details in the "Guess who just reported a post?" thread.
Something about me: I am a Showtime fan. My real love of the Lakers ended with that fateful Thursday afternoon announcement at the Forum with Magic's HIV press conference. Cried like a baby that night. I still like the colors and the logo and Staples Center and all the celebs and everything that goes with the package but I don't love it. You want me to defend Kobe? I don't give a shit about Kobe. Basketball peaked in 1989 and came crashing down when Shaq left LA for me. You have no idea how much I loved the Lakers in the 80's. Almost to the point of obsession. When Ralph Sampson hit that lucky shot to eliminate us in '85, I cried all night long. I felt like I knew those guys and they were my friends. I used to be able to write out from memory the starting lineups of every Lakers team Magic played on complete with height, weight and college. Basketball will never be that good again so I just don't really give a shit. Only mildly interested these days. My love is 80% for baseball and 20% for NFL.