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Not going to happen this yr but...


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Jul 16, 2013
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KC was 5th in points allowed despite playing the Broncos twice and 2nd in turnovers they put up 62 in two games.

I understand Hawks fans defending their team but I wasn't on the attack here, simply stating my opinion. I actually like the Seahawks more than I do the Broncos.

Who cares about stats. We have a much better defensive roster than the Chiefs do. We have the best FS/SS/DB in the league and with the depth in the backfield you could put together two top 10 secondaries. We also have the best cover guys as far as LB'ers go.


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Jul 2, 2013
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KC was 5th in points allowed despite playing the Broncos twice and 2nd in turnovers they put up 62 in two games.

I understand Hawks fans defending their team but I wasn't on the attack here, simply stating my opinion. I actually like the Seahawks more than I do the Broncos.

Lol...KC "was" 5th in points? That's like us saying New Orleans was "5th in offense" before we limited them to 7 pts. Not to mention New Orleans had to face Carolina twice, San Fran, Seattle, and Arizona.

KC ended up being like 11th in pts and like 24th in yards. Their defense shut down a bunch of weak teams early in the year and got dominated by every playoff team down the stretch.

Regardless...both teams are #1 in their respected rankings for a reason. Seattle could win...Seattle could lose...but I highly doubt Seattle will get blown out. Since Russell Wilson has been our quarterback I believe our biggest loss margin is 7.


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May 19, 2013
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Okay... The Broncos haven't faced a defense like the Seahawks and the Seahawks haven't faced an offense like the Broncos, something's gotta give. Good luck to your club...


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Jul 3, 2013
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Wow! Wasn`t really expecting the "go F yourself comments" but that`s ok most Hawks fans have alot of class and show it. I`am a little worried though about the "GFY" guys if Seattle does lose. I hear depression is pretty rampant there and a loss by Seattle has me a little concerned for those guys. Well I certainly would rather have Seattle win than have a couple "respectable" 12th man guys do anything stupid. Remember its a big game,but its not the end of the world. Good luck Sunday and......after??:yahoo:


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wow! Wasn`t really expecting the "go F yourself comments" but that`s ok most Hawks fans have alot of class and show it. I`am a little worried though about the "GFY" guys if Seattle does lose. I hear depression is pretty rampant there and a loss by Seattle has me a little concerned for those guys. Well I certainly would rather have Seattle win than have a couple "respectable" 12th man guys do anything stupid. Remember its a big game,but its not the end of the world. Good luck Sunday and......after??:yahoo:

You come to another team's board and start a thread saying they are going to lose the SB and then are shocked when you get negative comments? Are you really that naive or just stupid? Want to make a thread like this, do it on your own board or the general board.

And I concur, Go Fuck Yourself!!


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So a bronco fan comes over to our board to tell us it will be ok, just bend over and grab your ankles and then is shocked to get some negative feedback over it? :scratch: Kind of the definition of trolling really. I mean soft core trolling, but making a post before the game telling us it will be ok because sooner or later our god will retire and after that you might have something is kind of inviting that response.

Then of course some jackass has to jump in and pile on as well. I mean there isn't already 10 of these threads on the general forum just for people to pile on and taunt all they want right? :rollseyes:

We neither need the patronization, nor the trolling here. Offer up your opinions as long as they are civil, but we have places for these kinds of posts and this isn't it.

We will all see who wins or loses on Sunday. I can assure you this city will be just fine if they lose. I'm not at all as sure the overly confident Denver base will fare so well if Manning doesn't deliver for them, but I won't lose sleep over it.

I wish you luck and hope none of your players end up injured from what is sure to be the most physically punishing game you have faced all year.


My 8yr old me would love 59yo me.
May 30, 2013
Joes Garage
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Wow! Wasn`t really expecting the "go F yourself comments" but that`s ok most Hawks fans have alot of class and show it. I`am a little worried though about the "GFY" guys if Seattle does lose. I hear depression is pretty rampant there and a loss by Seattle has me a little concerned for those guys. Well I certainly would rather have Seattle win than have a couple "respectable" 12th man guys do anything stupid. Remember its a big game,but its not the end of the world. Good luck Sunday and......after??:yahoo:

Wow, what a passive aggressive little girl you must be.

Seriously, go fuck yourself.



12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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OP, I actually like this thread. I think this is the kind of trash talking we should all enjoy. He didn't attack anyone. He didn't play down our team. He has confidence in Denver and he should. We are free to talk right back and for the most part we are doing just that.

But I think the "Go fuck yourselfs" are uncalled for. That kind of non-sports related aggression should be reserved for that other Red and Gold board in threads like these. Come on guys. We can handle a little light hearted trash talk better than that.


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well now that just hurt my feelings. The Seahawks #1 ranked D played what great offenses this year? Saints and??? How about Indy put up 34 on them, last I checked the Broncos are a little better than the Colts. Oh and you might remember the Broncos have the highest scoring offense in league history oh and the 12th man won't be quite the factor they were in Seattle in New Jersey.
So you're shitting on us because the Colts beat us? Hey smart guy, they also beat the Broncos 39-33.

If "the Broncos are a little better than the Colts," yet the Colts beat the Broncos head to head, why are the Seahawks and Broncos the only 2 teams playing for the trophy?

Your logic is severely flawed. Enjoy the game... er... commercials Sunday. Those of us with a team in the game will be watching the stuff between commercial breaks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He deserves to be told to fuck off, the condescension is palpable and we do not have to tolerate it.

One thing I have not heard anyone say, and I base this solely by looking at stats, but the meager denver defense has had trouble with QBs getting big rushing yards. The x factor in this game is not Harvin, its not Bennet, its Wilson's legs.

If he can get 3 or 4 first downs running and puts up 50 yards we win this game.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So you're shitting on us because the Colts beat us? Hey smart guy, they also beat the Broncos 39-33.

If "the Broncos are a little better than the Colts," yet the Colts beat the Broncos head to head, why are the Seahawks and Broncos the only 2 teams playing for the trophy?

Your logic is severely flawed. Enjoy the game... er... commercials Sunday. Those of us with a team in the game will be watching the stuff between commercial breaks.

You sir are an idiot. First off, I never shit on any fans or the club. The point about the Colts wasnt winning or losing, next time have a clue before posting it makes it much more interesting for the reader.

I'll say it again, I am not attacking the Seahawks or their fans just stated my opinion, I don't mind Seahawks fans showing their support for their club but its pretty lame when you simply attack without knowing what the hell your talking about, no wonder Seahawks fans are moving up the ladder of most hated. I'll go now so you can all stroke each other over how great your team is.

Good luck to the Seahawks...


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You sir are an idiot. First off, I never shit on any fans or the club. The point about the Colts wasnt winning or losing, next time have a clue before posting it makes it much more interesting for the reader.

I'll say it again, I am not attacking the Seahawks or their fans just stated my opinion, I don't mind Seahawks fans showing their support for their club but its pretty lame when you simply attack without knowing what the hell your talking about, no wonder Seahawks fans are moving up the ladder of most hated. I'll go now so you can all stroke each other over how great your team is.

Good luck to the Seahawks...

speaking of not having a fucking clue, the colts scored a TD on a blocked field goal. Defense gave up 27 points in that game.


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Jul 23, 2013
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There are 3 defenses in the NFL that are head-and-shoulders above the rest this season.
Denver has faced none of them.
Seattle is the top of those 3 defenses.
Seattle has played the other 2 a combined 4 times and is 3-1, with a 2 point last minute road loss.
Denver has the 22nd ranked defense.
Some people are focusing on the wrong team that "hasn't proved it"... BTW, Seattle has the #8 offense, even having played 7 of their regular seasons against teams ranked in the top 9 for defense.

And Seattle has the 17th ranked offense......And so what does that mean?


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
Edmonds, WA
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And Seattle has the 17th ranked offense......And so what does that mean?

8th in points... I mean, the most points wins the game, right? Or did I miss that game where the team that gained more yards and less points won?


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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OP, I actually like this thread. I think this is the kind of trash talking we should all enjoy. He didn't attack anyone. He didn't play down our team. He has confidence in Denver and he should. We are free to talk right back and for the most part we are doing just that.

But I think the "Go fuck yourselfs" are uncalled for. That kind of non-sports related aggression should be reserved for that other Red and Gold board in threads like these. Come on guys. We can handle a little light hearted trash talk better than that.

The Seahawks board is generally very welcoming and fair to other posters. Most that have ventured over here including some 49er fans can attest to that.

Maybe the reactions were a bit much but it's the eve of the superbowl....if the seahawks lose and this thread pops up after the game...sure it's good sportsmanship and most hawk fans would acknowledge that and appreciate the gesture...but the game hasn't even been played yet and some fan comes and writes our obituary saying good game better luck next year

Lol can you imagine if Russell Wilson came up to Peyton before the national anthem and said good game man better luck next year in chasing yours second ring...I really admire your team and what you've done...but it's obviously our time...good luck with the 31st draft pick


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2013
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How about Indy put up 34 on them, last I checked the Broncos are a little better than the Colts.

Kudos you found the one game where the Hawks gave up more then 24 points. 7 of which came up on a blocked field goal returned. And the stop with not playing top offenses argument. Part of the reason they werent top offenses was because they played the Hawks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2013
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KC was 5th in points allowed despite playing the Broncos twice and 2nd in turnovers they put up 62 in two games.
As much as I love the Cheifs, they are my 2nd favorite team due to my in-laws, we all figured out they were pretty much frauds at the end of the year. 5th in points allowed because they feasted on a cupcake schedule the 1st 9 weeks. I mean they gave up 45 points to a Colt team that didnt have Reggie Wayne, 35 in the 2nd half. They are closer to the team that finished 2-6 than started 9-0.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You come to another team's board and start a thread saying they are going to lose the SB and then are shocked when you get negative comments? Are you really that naive or just stupid? Want to make a thread like this, do it on your own board or the general board.

And I concur, Go Fuck Yourself!!
Lol! Obviously the sarcasm was lost and your response was certainly entertaining and expected. If would of been other way around, I`am sure I would of pkd up on it and been able to return sarcasm without the GFY tantrum. Buy thanks anyway for trying STBR


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Apr 20, 2013
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If we really want to compare resumes of the teams they lost too, its actually pretty even. Probably more even then any other Super bowl matchup I can remember.

Both teams lost 3 games.

-Both teams lost their 1st game @ Indy. This was when Indy was one of the top teams in league as they had Reggie Wayne at the time. I think he was hurt at the end of the Bronco game if I am not mistaken

-Both teams lost to a rival on the road, whom they ended up beating the championship round. The Broncos lost in NE, The Hawks in SF. Both NE and SF and be considered the 2nd best in their conferences behind SEA and DEN. Both got revenge in the championship round.

-Lastly both teams lost at home to a team they should have beat but it was a division rival. Division games are always tougher and Arizona and San Diego had the desperation factor fighting for their playoff lives while Denver and Seattle were in comfortable positions. Both teams got very hot in the final month and pulled off upsets. Arizona and San Diego proved better then people thought.

Comparing resumes through the losses is practically even.