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Not going to happen this yr but...


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Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Seattle Seahawk fans have alot to be hopeful for in years to come. Just to much to overcome this year with so much inexpierience but the tenacity of this Hawks team,cannot be denied. I think you have a amazing QB who will do nothing but get better and better, a great coach and some of the best young D talent in the league. Denver will win this one in a hard fought battle but I know most of the fans will have alot to hope for, for years to come. Denvers time is now and with Manning prob only having a year or two left in him, Denvers AFC reign could end soon. You guys have alot to look forward to for many yrs I believe. Regardless of the outcome,at least your teams future is very promosing and I expect you guys will be feeling like I will (after Sundays game) many times in the future. So, don`t break anything during game, don`t say anything hurtful to loved ones and make a great pk at #31 on draft day!!!:yahoo:


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Seattle Seahawk fans have alot to be hopeful for in years to come. Just to much to overcome this year with so much inexpierience but the tenacity of this Hawks team,cannot be denied. I think you have a amazing QB who will do nothing but get better and better, a great coach and some of the best young D talent in the league. Denver will win this one in a hard fought battle but I know most of the fans will have alot to hope for, for years to come. Denvers time is now and with Manning prob only having a year or two left in him, Denvers AFC reign could end soon. You guys have alot to look forward to for many yrs I believe. Regardless of the outcome,at least your teams future is very promosing and I expect you guys will be feeling like I will (after Sundays game) many times in the future. So, don`t break anything during game, don`t say anything hurtful to loved ones and make a great pk at #31 on draft day!!!:yahoo:

Nice post randymon. I can understand why you feel this is the year for Peyton Manning, heck if he wasn't up against the Seahawks I'd be rooting for him also. However this is the year the Seahawks put it all together, they may never again have this talented roster, cap considerations and all. After last year heart breaking finish, nothing but a win will do this Sunday.

Regardless of the out come, Peyton is a great QB and a sure HOF QB.

Here's to a great game.:suds:


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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I'll take the better team over the better QB.


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Apr 25, 2013
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go fuck yourself asshole.

the denver mannings will not have an answer for our dominant physical defense and the average denver defense will not have an answer for wilsons feet. he will have his way running the ball all day.

Mr. Tacoma

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Aug 3, 2013
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Seattle Seahawk fans have alot to be hopeful for in years to come. Just to much to overcome this year with so much inexpierience but the tenacity of this Hawks team,cannot be denied. I think you have a amazing QB who will do nothing but get better and better, a great coach and some of the best young D talent in the league. Denver will win this one in a hard fought battle but I know most of the fans will have alot to hope for, for years to come. Denvers time is now and with Manning prob only having a year or two left in him, Denvers AFC reign could end soon. You guys have alot to look forward to for many yrs I believe. Regardless of the outcome,at least your teams future is very promosing and I expect you guys will be feeling like I will (after Sundays game) many times in the future. So, don`t break anything during game, don`t say anything hurtful to loved ones and make a great pk at #31 on draft day!!!:yahoo:

Believe me, we're well aware of what we're up against. Still, I like our chances.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Believe me, we're well aware of what we're up against. Still, I like our chances.

I love our chances. Just look at these teams this week, the Hawks are clearly more loose and confident.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Look I'm as big a Peyton Manning as there is and I'm dying for him to get that second ring to cement his legacy. I understand that his window is closing quickly and us being a young team our future still looks bright...but I don't care about any of that.

We want to win this now and we're going to win this now.

At first there was a 1-2 % of me that almost wouldn't have mind if Peyton would win it. But as the week has gone on and as I started to remember 05 and how much that loss affected me. And then as I remembered the 8 years after that waiting and waiting for a team to be good enough to contend once again. Having to endure garbage running backs like Julius Jones, TJ Duckett...throwing big money and draft picks at receivers like TJ Houshwhatever and Deion Branch...having to endure Charlie Whitehurst, Tavaris Jackson, etc.

I don't want to wait for next year or the year after or another 8 years.

So as much as you are trying to come off as a nice guy...you can go fuck yourself...your post sounds like you are writing the Seahawk's obituary saying good game better luck next year when the game hasn't even been played yet.

Denver's time is not now. It's the Seahawk's time to win.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
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I think it comes down to a couple things, the Seahawks have not faced an offense like Denver's all year and I don't care how good their secondary is they will not hold Manning and his receivers down. The Seahawks have no receivers and if Denver can keep Wilson in the pocket and slow down Lynch they will win.

Broncos 34
Seahawks 20

Let the bashing begin...


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2013
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Seattle Seahawk fans have alot to be hopeful for in years to come. Just to much to overcome this year with so much inexpierience

Im sick this excuse and its one of the biggest cop outs people use when picking games. If Denver wins it will because they out play the Seahawks nothing more. Inexperience will have nothing to do with it. The Niners were playing their 3rd straight NFC championship game and it was the 1st time for most players on the Hawks and as you can see inexperience didnt factor.

Look your a Bronco fan so you think they will win which is expected. But come up better reasoning then inexperience.


Jul 5, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
Hoopla Cash
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I think it comes down to a couple things, the Seahawks have not faced an offense like Denver's all year and I don't care how good their secondary is they will not hold Manning and his receivers down. The Seahawks have no receivers and if Denver can keep Wilson in the pocket and slow down Lynch they will win.

Broncos 34
Seahawks 20

Let the bashing begin...
First off love the no receivers comment! Been hearing that all year long. Second, Denver could not even put up 34 on the chargers and pats D, but they are going to do it against the #1 ranked D and one of the top 10 defenses of all time (this is what someone referred to us today as). I find your comments completely asinine and completely full of shit to be exact. :lame:


My 8yr old me would love 59yo me.
May 30, 2013
Joes Garage
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I think it comes down to a couple things, the Seahawks have not faced an offense like Denver's all year and I don't care how good their secondary is they will not hold Manning and his receivers down. The Seahawks have no receivers and if Denver can keep Wilson in the pocket and slow down Lynch they will win.

Broncos 34
Seahawks 20

Let the bashing begin...

Ahh, I see what your problem is, your a little slow



Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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First off love the no receivers comment! Been hearing that all year long. Second, Denver could not even put up 34 on the chargers and pats D, but they are going to do it against the #1 ranked D and one of the top 10 defenses of all time (this is what someone referred to us today as). I find your comments completely asinine and completely full of shit to be exact. :lame:

Well now that just hurt my feelings. The Seahawks #1 ranked D played what great offenses this year? Saints and??? How about Indy put up 34 on them, last I checked the Broncos are a little better than the Colts. Oh and you might remember the Broncos have the highest scoring offense in league history oh and the 12th man won't be quite the factor they were in Seattle in New Jersey.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
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Well now that just hurt my feelings. The Seahawks #1 ranked D played what great offenses this year? Saints and??? How about Indy put up 34 on them, last I checked the Broncos are a little better than the Colts. Oh and you might remember the Broncos have the highest scoring offense in league history oh and the 12th man won't be quite the factor they were in Seattle in New Jersey.

What's your point? Denver has not faced a defense like the Seahawk's either.

Seahawks are the first defense since the 85 Bears to be #1 in yards, #1 in pts, and #1 in turnovers. No one is denying the historical records that Denver has broken but let's not act like they've lit up elite defenses like Seattle, San Fran, Carolina, etc. all year.


Jul 5, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
Hoopla Cash
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Well now that just hurt my feelings. The Seahawks #1 ranked D played what great offenses this year? Saints and??? How about Indy put up 34 on them, last I checked the Broncos are a little better than the Colts. Oh and you might remember the Broncos have the highest scoring offense in league history oh and the 12th man won't be quite the factor they were in Seattle in New Jersey.
And your point? If I remember correctly Indy beat Denver as well. Oh and Dallas put up 48 on Denver as well. You can sit here all nite and play stupid, fact of the matter is, Denver has not played a defense even close to ours, period.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
Edmonds, WA
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I think it comes down to a couple things, the Seahawks have not faced an offense like Denver's all year and I don't care how good their secondary is they will not hold Manning and his receivers down. The Seahawks have no receivers and if Denver can keep Wilson in the pocket and slow down Lynch they will win.

Broncos 34
Seahawks 20

Let the bashing begin...

There are 3 defenses in the NFL that are head-and-shoulders above the rest this season.
Denver has faced none of them.
Seattle is the top of those 3 defenses.
Seattle has played the other 2 a combined 4 times and is 3-1, with a 2 point last minute road loss.
Denver has the 22nd ranked defense.
Some people are focusing on the wrong team that "hasn't proved it"... BTW, Seattle has the #8 offense, even having played 7 of their regular seasons against teams ranked in the top 9 for defense.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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Seahawks are the first defense since the 85 Bears to be #1 in yards, #1 in pts, and #1 in turnovers.

I love that stat, though I wish we were facing Steve Grogan instead of Peyton Manning ;)


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
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What's your point? Denver has not faced a defense like the Seahawk's either.

Seahawks are the first defense since the 85 Bears to be #1 in yards, #1 in pts, and #1 in turnovers. No one is denying the historical records that Denver has broken but let's not act like they've lit up elite defenses like Seattle, San Fran, Carolina, etc. all year.

KC was 5th in points allowed despite playing the Broncos twice and 2nd in turnovers they put up 62 in two games.

I understand Hawks fans defending their team but I wasn't on the attack here, simply stating my opinion. I actually like the Seahawks more than I do the Broncos.