Active Member
What a play! Another instant replay controversy?
Wow you really are SuperJew. Temple, during the playoffs? Not a High Holy Day or anything?
Mazel Tov, boychik.
Who said the Giants D doesnt have range....
Cox gettin tossed today?
Braves got umpjacked again
And now Cox is out....last time he will manage in SF. Tip my in the last 2 decades.
not often a playoff game is over in the first inning
Ditto.... last words said on the Giants home field "He's foot was this far off the fucking base. Thats BULLSHIT!"
wouldnt want it any other way
Nice try at a reverse jinx.
Dotcha get the feeling the Giants offense will now shut down the store?
I think we all gotta admit, Tito was right. Cain sucks.
Watch EZ hit a grand slam on Sunday.