likes oatmeal lumpy
I think we need to bring more Wings fans on this board to balance out all the Pens homers...HaHaHa
While we might be able to match their numbers, we'll never reach their levels of homerism

I think we need to bring more Wings fans on this board to balance out all the Pens homers...HaHaHa
What about minty69? She's a solid Sabres fan.
Remember the story about the puckbunny who went ballistic?
Um yeah.
I object.
Has anyone invited DaBoltsNDaIsles yet?
did you explain this most likely will be a permanent home?
I honestly don't think we need to ask anymore.
We have such a good base and with dash boss and dare added as mods, this place should be fine.
I was more worried about who we got to start out the place.
Anyone should feel free to invite people they feel would be good additions and we can sort it out if it doesn't work