DC sports are cursed
Time to bump this MOFO up to tier 1 of Nat killers with Stanton and Cutch. He's livin the hug life
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Also wouldnt be a Nats/Barves game without the Nats giving up the lead the same inning they took it. Fuck Atlanta.
I dislike Jordan Walden. I dislike his delivery. MLB needs to make that crap illegal. His foot is a good 6 inches off the mound when he throws
Agreed. They talked about it last year (maybe the year before) and said that since it was part of his "normal delivery" it is ok. I think I'm going to start pitching and have my "normal delivery" be me running 55 feet to the plate before I release the ball. I'll be awesome.
Aw, who am I kidding. I'm not running 55 feet anywhere...
This is past the point of being a small sample size.
Freaking Bonifacio. Barves always make the perfect trade deadline acquisitions dont they