Holmes mother sure isn't helping his case:
Could we hold off on insulting the mother of one of our players?
Could we hold off on insulting the mother of one of our players?
Just reading the comments she (assuming it is her) wrote. I understand being upset but saying she is getting the usernames of people commenting against her son and taking them to the cops and they will find their real name so she can press charges is pretty sad. Just not carrying herself in a great manner, commenting on an article online when there would clearly be more important things to be doing at a time like this. Not really insulting her, more of a smh moment.
Holmes’ attorney, Jimmy Turk, said the original altercation was between Holmes’ current girlfriend and former girlfriend.
Mike Barber@RTD_MikeBarber
Tonya Brandon, Michael Holmes' mother, to the media after Holmes posted bond. "I feel like a celebrity. Just call me Beyonce!."